CWW Scoops

Scoops & Spoiler Previews on All the Stories

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Scoops & Spoilers for Crazedwriter's World

Updated 9 April 2013

Here's where I list "sneak previews" of what's coming in my stories. Just enough information to get the curiosity going, and have the reader coming back for more.
Scoops are for both ongoing and upcoming stories. Mainstream first, then more mature offerings.

Flames of Eldonia
From Chapter 37 to end of story:

  • There is a way — the only way — out of Eldonia!
  • Jarvis Wolf reveals how an infant Danielle made a perilous journey. There is more to Jarvis that meets the eye.
  • Danielle finally meets her biological mother and receives Amarah's crown jewels.
  • Aunya's eldest child makes himself known.
  • Eldonia's capital of Tyq feels the Alliance's full fury.
  • A shocking discovery for Banes and another, more profound, secret will be revealed...
  • ...Only after Banes receives his well-deserved (and very painful) comeuppance!
  • Asen and Danielle return to a ruined city. How will they ever rebuild it?
  • Big changes come to the new land that was once Eldonia.
  • Dani gets a big surprise.
  • One of the rebels' wish is granted.
  • Weddings galore!
Go to Flames of Eldonia

Of the following, only "Thank You, Miss Rose" begins. "Damaged" is in rough draft. For the former I'm providing sneaks from the end of Part One to the end.

Thank You, Miss Rose, for Everything

  • The disturbing truth about Freddie.
  • What really went down to drive Mrs. Brickle away.
  • At recess, Mia overhears Miss Rose and Mr. Blum. What did he mean, "Do what you must."?
  • Freddie and his friends begin another "Sink the Sub" mission. Bad idea!
Go to Thank You, Miss Rose

This story is in early production, and the first installment will be online as soon as possible.

  • "She is a little brain-damaged."
  • A pleasant afternoon ruined.
  • A sister wants to do the right thing, but is it?
Through the Fog
Very much in pre-writing, but I'm providing a few scoops.
  • Home alone. She claimed she wasn't feeling well, or was she faking?
  • A stranger asks for directions. Does he really want to go there?
  • Was it all a dream?

Passion Magic Scoops

Captured by the Game
The first part is online; but, unfortunately, the remainder of the story is on hold while I rework the plot. No scoops are provided. The story may be scrapped altogether.

Formerly titled "A Total Absence of Light", this erotic fantasy/crime drama is slated to premiere immediately after "Eldonia" wraps.

  • A junior executive ponders both his professional and personal issues.
  • Kidnapped!
  • Who is Shadow?
  • An unusual ransom demand...
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