links 4 writers & you

Below are some of the sites I find helpful in my writing. Since I'm primarily on WebTV/MSNTV®, most links are geared to the Little Black Box crowd: testbeds, webbie word processors, printables, etc.

Some are my own personal links pages that I made for my reference, but now I'm willing to share. Almost all the pages contain information valuable to the writer and the writing craft. :-)

Writer's Resources #1
Just a bunch of links useful to nearly every writer. Info on essay writing, flash fiction, plot, creative writing activities, online generators (name, place, plot, etc.), how-to guides for nearly every writing genre, etc. Also some very nice sites for WebTV users: testbeds, printables, word-pros. I use these resources all the time.

Writer's Resources #2
Continuation of writing-related sites. Cool stuff here! Character naming resources, world building tips, printable forms for writers, literary agents, prompts, activties for right-brained writers (Like me!), writing e-zines, and more.

Fit 2 Print
Actually a Webbie-friendly page of printables. The stuff may print weird on a PC or Mac so be warned. There are some things that writers may find useful. I have a basic writing plan sheet, To Do lists, journal blanks, etc.

Writer's F-Key
Just a drop-down menu of printables and other resources I use all the time. Story planners galore (I love the Story Recipe worksheet!), worksheets for characters and more. Also: a name generator, fantasy title generator, and links to abovementioned writer resource link pages.

Story Spinner
Actually a product that I recently purchased. I love it so much I ordered an extra for my mom. I also use it in the classroom. The kids love it! Great tool for jumpstarting any writing project.

Writers Community
A new forum for writers. I found this via a post on my board. Discuss writing, writers, genres, etc. Great group!

My Webrings for Writers
I know, this isn't quite a "writer's help page", but I do own and manage several rings devoted to writing of several genres: fan fiction, erotica, non-fiction, general writing. Visit the great sites in my rings.:-)

Seventh Sanctum
Super site for writers of all genres, but mostly geared to fantasy & science fiction. Generators of all kinds for names, settings, magic, story ideas, weapons, quests, etc. I use this all the time. Great resource!

Serendipity Generators
Mostly for the fantasy story/RPG crowd and based on Seventh Sanctum's generators. Generate names, places, people, plots, even costumes. Check out the nausating Marie-Suzette character generator. You'll swear off writing Mary-Sue fan fiction forever. :-)

That's all I have for now. As soon as I run across an interesting writing site, I'll post it here.

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