Flames of Eldonia

Chapter Ten

     Sprawled across the massive bed, Princess Jolende awaited news of her missing fiance. Not that she was that concerned for Asen's safety, on the contrary. She really didn't love him, never really wanted to marry him. Besides, marriage wasn't in her vocabulary. Who in her right mind wanted to remained chained forever in matrimony, especially to a man not of her choosing? Jolende, at the urging of Governor Sadius, only agreed to this arrangement as such a pairing further solidified her own agenda. Just what was that true agenda would soon come strolling through her bedroom door.

     Oh, how boring...Pretending to be the grief-stricken bride-to-be. I must keep up the pretense, make like I'm all distraught that my future husband has been kidnapped. Hah! Asen was never kidnapped, as I saw him take out that shell. He dropped it, then it burst open, sending forth that thick pink smoke. Neither Vlaric nor Banes saw what happened; Sadius sure didn't. Then Asen simply slipped out to where I do not know. He is gone, perhaps took off to the mountains, maybe to Benut. Yes, that could be it! After all, he's been there many times, even told me of his adventures in that land of misfits.
     Hmm...Perhaps I should say something...No, just tell them my suspicions. That way, Vlaric could use his weapon that much sooner. Ah, yes...Vlaric will blow Benut into oblivion, Asen will at last bow down to me, the new Queen of Eldonia, and Banes...Oh, Banes...All we've worked for will finally come to fruition. Now, once we've dispatched...

     He entered the room with not one ounce of concern for the present situation, His Majesty's current distraught and furious state notwithstanding. He smiled at Jolende. Taking off the purple velvet robe and hat of his office, he took his place beside her. Kissing her hand fervently, he said:
     "Darling, the King is so beside himself with worry. Honestly! The way he carries on so, as if he actually believes Asen has been kidnapped. Already he has sent the Royal Guard to search every inch of the city and beyond. Really, Asen's 'disappearance' –"
     Jolende shushed him with a passionate kiss, her hands hungrily caressing his tall, slender form. She said, "Banes, I have information that may speed up our plans, and Vlaric's. You do know of that weapon..."
     "The one capable of destroying an entire city in one blow. Yes, it is ready. Delivered just this evening via an express from Koror. Our scientists have worked around the clock developing this weapon," said Banes, allowing Jolende to cover him with many kisses.
     "Your Benutian born scientists," she whispered, "may prove to be disloyal. What if this weapon doesn't work?"
     Banes embraced his lover, replying, "My dear Jolende, those women would be stupid to pull such a thing. Sadius tells me they are under tight security and their work closely monitored. Now, what is this information?"

     Jolende pressed her body dangerously close to Banes, gently wriggling against him, thus sending him into fits of uncontrollable lust. She giggled, saying in a breathy voice, "Darling, I saw Asen remove a curious little shell from his doublet. He dropped it on the floor and it burst open. That is what produced the smoke. My guess is he merely slipped away, perhaps is hiding out in Benut."
     Banes looked at her, eyebrows raised. He said, "Are you sure?"
     "Where else could he go? It is obvious he is not in the city, too easy to be found. So, he had to go to Benut, perhaps to the regional seat."
    "To Rumil," said Banes, putting the supposed pieces together. "I wouldn't doubt Chenek is behind this. He had to give that shell to Asen. Don't you see? The Benutians are at it again, getting together another pathetic resistance movement. Only this time, Prince Asen is in their company, and not reluctantly I assure you."

     Jolende thought it over. Even though Asen may have staged this disappearing act on his own, Chenek and the other Benutians may have played a role. There was something else that troubled Jolende, to which she voiced to Banes.
     "Will Asen's sudden disappearance hamper your plans? I mean, Vlaric is now preoccupied in finding his son, so..."

     Banes understood completely, reassuring Jolende, "Why, the timing is all too perfect. It makes mine and Sadius' scheme that more workable. And you said it: Vlaric will be too busy finding his 'kidnapped' son and bringing the guilty parties to justice. Oh, Jolende, just think, within the next days, Benut shall be no more, Vlaric will be dead, and you and I shall rule over all Eldonia."
     "And Sadius?"
     Banes laughed, kissing his lover, saying in hushed tones, "My dear, I've already thought out Sadius' role in our new government. How would you like to see him as court jester?"

     The pair laughed uproariously then proceeded to make passionate love. They didn't know someone was watching their illicit tryst through a secret peephole behind the huge portrait of Queen Indria.


     "Thais, has it been delivered?," asked Syrin, leader of the resistance movement. For far too long has he and the other rebels longed for this day. There had been other resistance efforts to overthrow the Eldonian government and restore peace and justice to their lands. Yet, those previous efforts had been miserable failures, either ending in many arrests of their members or bloody confrontations on the battlefield.
     This time, reasoned Syrin, we will succeed. Using more covert methods, such as secretly planting those phérium spikes all over Tyq and immediate environs, and switching the real ultimate weapon for a harmless fake, the rebels were assured victory. Going about their daily work and lives as usual, no one would suspect a thing. Oh, there was the ever present network of Vlaric's spies, but as of now, the rebels' activities had yet to be discovered.
     This early evening, the rebels agreed to meet at Cape Amorra, the southernmost point in Benut. Those Eldonians never came here out of fear, and with reason. For Cape Amorra was the home of the sea creature Mitra, a half-woman, half-tentacled beast whose very appearance repulsed most Eldonians. Yet the Benutians and Nemirians held her in high esteem, and the sea beauty had already helped those oppressed peoples in more ways today. This the rebels had yet to learn, and Mitra, privy to crucial information coming from faraway Tyq, had to warn the resistance that victory may not be that easy.

     The rebels gathered at the rocky shore, chanting in the ancient Benutian language in hopes of coaxing Mitra from her watery home. She seldom showed her face these days, preferring to surface only when needed. This was one of those times, and it would not be the last.
     They didn't have to chant for long, as Mitra, emerging from the sea, crawled sinuously upon the shore. She was a beauty, so whispered young Ary to his friend Roran.
     "If it were possible to change my form, become as she, I wouldn't mind. She is lovely beyond compare."
     Roran rolled his eyes, hissing disdainfully, "Shush, you fool! If Mitra heard that, she'd call forth the ocean monsters, and they'd devour you on the spot for uttering such drivel. Besides, we're here on serious business. This is no time for levity."
     Ary hushed up, only to admire Mitra in secret. And she was lovely, despite her initial monstrous appearance. The upper half was all lovely woman, well formed curves, full breasts, ivory skin. Her massive ebony mane cascaded about her body, covering in those strategic areas about the breasts. The bottom half was black sea beast, glistening in the evening twilight, swelling at the hip as any well shaped woman. Instead of legs, she had many tentacles which writhed about her. No legs meant a special challenge for getting around on land. Mitra had her own sensuous way of land locomotion that seemed to set Ary on fire.

     O, how the well formed body slinks and slithers upon the rocks, like a great serpent ready for an amorous coupling. O, Mitra, if you only knew how much I love you...But, as Roran says, this is no time for such things. Our people need your help.

     Mitra, very much aware of this saucy youth's ardor, made full use of her sensual charms. Wriggling erotically upon the rocks, she let her tentacles caress Ary's feet and legs, actually wrapped around the boy until he became quite unglued.
     "I'm s-sorry," he stammered, trying to free himself from her amorous grip. His pleas belied what he thought inside. Those tentacles continued to caress Ary's body and face as Mitra's body slowly and insolently bucked and squirmed. She moaned softly as if in throes of lust.
     She, in her deep throaty voice, laughed then cooed, "Oh, little boy. Do I really set your heart aflame? Tell me, would you like to come home with me? I guarantee a splendid time, and I promise not to leave you too exhausted."
     His companions, knowing Mitra's special brand of bawdy humor, laughed uproariously. Ary, his face turning many shades of red, continued to struggle in the sea beast's grasp.
     "Mitra," he screamed, "please release me! I apologize for what I said. I just wanted to..."
     At last she released him, still laughing in her sexy throaty voice. She looked at Ary and said, "Let that be a lesson to you, impudent child! If and when I choose a lover...Well, let me say that the next time you come around here, watch your step!"

     Thais, blushing from watching Mitra's erotic but humorous antics, returned to the topic at hand. She told all the weapon had been delivered to Tyq via special express rail. She also reported that she and Odessa sent crates of niuvite, which were labelled "CAUTION! PHÉRIUM: HANDLE WITH CARE".
     Actually those crates were to be used, and this Thais learned from one of the rebel spies, to destroy Starfield House. Already word of Prince Asen's disappearance had spread throughout the land, and King Vlaric immediately suspected the Benutians, most notably Governor Chenek, as the kidnappers. It was a given that His Majesty would dispatch soldiers armed with phérium enriched bombs and grenades to Starfield House. This action was, according to the latest espionage reports, an example to all those deemed, "Enemies of the Crown." Once Starfield House was blown to its foundation, Vlaric would send his troops to Benut. He vowed to burn each and every village, every town, until his son was found alive and well.

     Syrin said, "My sources tell me King Vlaric's campaign against Starfield House has been egged on by Governor Banes and Princess Jolende. It is Jolende who claims she saw Asen drop a little shell on the tent floor. This is, according to her, produced that smoke screen. It is His Majesty's contention whoever took his son obviously gave that shell to Asen. His Majesty believes the guilty party told His Highness that the shell contained a powerful potion, and that once opened, Jolende would fall madly in love with him."
     To this Mitra's golden eyes darkened with profound rage. So, this Jolende has not only lied to Vlaric, but has also implicated several innocents as party to Asen's disappearance. This was no kidnapping, for Asen departed on his own accord.
     "I say this to you," she told the rebels gathered, "Asen, on his last journey here, received that shell from me. I told him it contained potent magic which will help free him from his father's grasp, thus setting in motion the downfall of Eldonia. The princess lied to Vlaric; of course, she is a Kororian, and those people will say anything to get their way."
     The sea lady scanned the small gathering of twelve or so rebels, detecting one who, though absent from present company, could be the resistance's undoing. She had to take matters into her own hands, and there was one insurance policy to be implemented.
     She said, "For your own safety, and for the resistance's success, go to Inamor, to the ruins of Amarah's Castle. Wait there for further instructions. From there you will be joined by three others who will flee Vlaric's persecution. One is Asen himself. The second is his friend Lord Cadmore."

     Roran raised his eyebrows at the mention of Asen and Cadmore. To be sure, Mitra is never wrong in her judgement of people. Yet, having to travel to Inamor, wait in the legendary home of Benut's goddess-queen, only to welcome two of Eldonia's noble class into their midst. This he protested to Mitra. Why put up with two spoiled little rich boys?
     Mitra countered, "You haven't heard me out! The third person is none other that the One, the direct descendant of Amarah! She washed up this morning on the shores of Brightbridge, and she is at Starfield House now, meeting with Princess Evore and Governor Chenek. Khalina has the doll which was clutched in the woman's hands. The very doll Aunya made for her yet unborn child, the very child smuggled out of the country to the outside world. She, along with her brother, are the only survivors of Vlaric's three-decades old infanticide."

     Ary, now understanding Mitra's role in Asen's disappearance, asked, "Aunya had a son? I heard about the girl who Tanina and Sivin found, but what happened to the boy?"
     "He is still in Eldonia," said Mitra, "but in what capacity I am not at liberty to say. All I can tell you is the boy was adopted by another family unlike his own. He is safe, for now." Again, she scanned the gathering, and before departing for her ocean home, said, "Take care, my brave friends, and watch out for the one among you who will turn against his brothers and sisters. In your band of rebels there is one who will sell out your yet to won freedom for a few measly aurae. Globbock, Vlaric's chief spy, has already made contact with him. Do not worry, for I will dispatch my special brand of revenge. Not only will Tyq be engulfed by flames, it will suffer the wrath of Oadela and her army of sea monsters.


     In the deep of the ocean, Mitra made her way to the grotto she called home. However, and this was splendid timing on her part, she happened upon Oadela, a wyvern who had been with Mitra's family for many generations. The sea monster was devoted to Mitra and the rebels' cause. For many centuries, Oadela waited for the right chance to exact her own revenge on the descendants of that nefarious trio who usurped land and wealth then plunged a once peaceful, prosperous people into chaos and tyranny.
     What that score yet to be settled was known only to Mitra and Oadela; the former preferring not to tell the rebels out of fear that spy in their midst may tip off Vlaric, thus setting off a panic throughout the Chalou region.

     Mitra greeted her monstrous friend, saying, "The time has come, Oadela, for you and your minions to wreck havoc all over Chalou Province. But not now, not now. Wait until the right moment, which should come within days. Already the rebels have placed spikes of potent phérium throughout the capital city of Tyq. All we have to do is wait for Banes to make his greatest blunder at Glasswell Station. Once he has discovered his deadly mistake, do whatever is needed to finish off what remains of their once elegant city. Then move on to the rest of Chalou Province. Show no one the least mercy."

     Oadela nodded, replying to her dear friend, "Mitra, at long last shall I relish laying waste to what was never theirs. Too long have I pined for my dead parents, slain by the same seafarers who stole land and independence. Your request is hereby granted. Allow me to summon my friends of the deep."
     "Good!," said Mitra. "There is one more message I must deliver before the fugitives from Starfield House make their way to Amarah's Castle."

     Oadela asked to whom this message was directed and why. Mitra could only say the recipient was the only one who could put a snag in the spy Globbock's turncoat partner in espionage. Only this person was in faraway Nemir, living near Mount Soraring.
     "Are we thinking of the same man?," asked Oadela.
     "Yes," replied Mitra, with a grin. "Evore's lover."

     Oadela then suggested she could travel to Gryphon Falls, located in the densely forested in eastern Nemir. There was a gryphon named Aten who owed the sea dragon many favors, and he itched at the chance to exact his own brand of justice against the oppressive Eldonians and their ilk. From there, Oadela and her band of sea beasts will make the journey to Tyq.
     Before departing, Mitra told her friend, "May I suggest to spread out, surround the Chalouian coast. Start in the harbor, then all key coastal cities. Then let loose your full firepower. Chalou must be rendered totally devastated, isolated from all of Eldonia. Then go after Vlaric and Jolende, then Banes and Sadius. Do what you wish to them as their sufferings should be as great as all they've inflicted upon the people for centuries. Eldonia will soon be no more, and the land Queen Indria so desperately wanted to liberate will rise again."


Copyright©2006 by P.R. Parker. All rights reserved.

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