Getting Even

The photo was incriminating enough. A wife's worst nightmare was there before her eyes. In glossy, glaring color, the photo showed her husband of twenty years embracing her, his young and very pretty secretary.
She wondered about the frequent late work nights, the sudden and prolonged business trips, the many cancelled family outings. How dare he cheat on her like this.

Divorce was out of the question. The prospect of working for a living, struggling to make ends meet for her and the kids was daunting enough. The horror stories of her best friend's marital woes drove home the message: She would have to make him pay in other ways.

She got up much earlier than he, made his coffee as usual then reached into the recess of the spice cabinet.

She knew it had to come to this, so she planned it very carefully. She couldn't leave anything to chance. The morning progressed as usual, like clockwork. She could predict his every word and move.

"Betty? Where are my new socks?"

"In the bottom drawer as always, dear."

"Oh, Betty. I forgot to tell you. I'm meeting an important client for dinner tonight. Don't wait up for me."

"Yes, Charles. Thanks for reminding me."

She poured coffee into his thermos and made his lunch as usual. Then she poured coffee for herself and returned to bed.
As she ascended the stairs, he met her as he was on the way down. A quick kiss on the cheek and a rushed "Good morning, dear," was all he could offer.

"Honey, Linda is dropping by to pick up some papers for me this afternoon. They're in a big manila envelope on the desk in the den."

"Yes, dear."

She heard him shuffle around in the kitchen, then the backdoor slammed shut. She rushed to the bedroom window to see the car speed out of the driveway. Ah, nothing like sweet revenge. Smiling in evil triumph, she drifted into a deep slumber. Several hours passed before she awoke again.

The maid arrived shortly thereafter and began her morning chores. As usual, the maid brought her employer the newspaper and a fresh cup of coffee.

"Mrs. B, is everything all right?"

"Why, yes, Maria. Thank you. That will be all."

Betty drank her coffee while perusing the headlines. A thin smile spread over her face as she flipped to the travel section.

Later that afternoon, the phone rang.

"B's residence."

"Maria, how are things there?"

"Oh, Mr. B, she went very fast."

"Thanks, Maria, for all your help. Expect a healthy bonus for a job well done."

A brief pause, then, "Where did you...?"

"In the garden, sir."

Copyright©2003 by PRP

Fiction Files