by P.R. Parker


"Yeah. Are you Jan?"

"Yes. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise. Boy, when the guys said you were a looker, they weren't lying."

"You're pretty cool looking, too."

"Hey! Where are my manners? Have a seat."

"Ooh, a chivalrous one to boot!"

"Want a drink?"

"I like sidecars."

"Okay, let me catch the server's eye...So, Jan, what do you do for a living?"

"Import business. Mostly gourmet foods, housewares, wines, stuff for the kitchen."

"Sounds cool. I'm a teacher."

"Cool! What do you teach?"

"High school science -- chemistry and physics."

"That sounds fantastic. Have you lived here long?"

"All my life. And you?"

"I've been in town just a couple of months. I'm originally from Seattle."

"Oh, I've been there. Lovely country, the Pacific Northwest."

"Yes it is, but so far I adore Chicago."

"So what looks good on the menu?"

"Hmm, the grilled salmon sounds good."

"Well, a lady from Washington would love salmon. Ha ha! I'll have the same."

"George, I'll admit I was skeptical about this blind date thing. But it's hard for me to meet people when I'm just settling in."

"I'll bet it is. I'm not too gung ho on blind dates. I've had a lot of clunkers."

"Me, too. I can't begin to tell you about the losers my so called friends set me up with."

"A nice looking girl like you set up with jerks?"

"Yeah. Either they were inconsiderate clods or mama's boys."

"Well, we're clicking pretty well."

"Yes, we are. How's your dinner?"

"Wonderful. You chose an excellent wine."

"Yes, it is very good with the salmon. So, can I call you?"

"Hm, maybe."

"I'll take it as a yes. After dinner why don't we take a walk along the docks?"

"Sounds great but I have a better idea."


"Dinah? It's me, Jan...Yeah I had a great time...George is very nice...We clicked right away...We spent the night at my place...Oh yes, he asked me out for cocktails tomorrow...What? Sure, he'll be perfect. Yes, I still have it...I remember what to do...Will you have the crate ready? Good! Yes, I hear Antarctica is lovely this time of year."


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