SUBUCNI: A Twisted Tale of Seduction and Romance

Book III ~ Conclusion

"And your name shall be Jodar. It was your great-grandfather's name. I must say you are the splitting image of your father. Then again, I didn't pass any of my genes. It's the way it is...Subucnis always take on human females as mates, but we woman don't contribute any genetic material, just a nice warm body to let you grow until time..."

Marlene sat in the dimly lit basement incubation room, holding ever so gingerly the newly hatched offspring. Such a tiny thing, all coiled up and sleeping soundly in her hands. Just as his father Lahon, this little one had the same slinky build, the glistening smooth ebony scales, and a row of tiny silver teeth. Its eyes were not quite open, but Marlene could tell those eyes were as large and golden as his father's.
A thought came to her. "Hey, wonder which woman will be your future mate? She'll be a lucky gal, that is if you'll be a fantastic lover like your father and grandfather."

"Oh, he will, Marlene. We are all programmed to be just that – fantastic lovers that is. And to satisfy your curiosity, Jodar's future mate has already been chosen. He will meet her when the time comes."

Lahon slinked into the incubation room, his serpentine black body glistening in the dim light. He slithered up to Marlene, caressed her gently, then looked at his offspring lovingly.
"It is always done so, my dear," he said, "Once a subucni is born, his mate has already been chosen. He will, once he matures, will be sent to the outer planets, to travel and learn. Then he will return here to seek his mate."

Marlene didn't quite understand. Just who is this woman? Surely Jodar's future mate can't be an adult woman; as of now she must be an infant herself.
"Lahon, I know your father chose me for you. He said so when he took my mother from that Prentice hellhole. But who do you have lined up for Jodar? Can't you tell me?"
Lahon shook his heavy head. "No, Marlie, I can't reveal that to you. It is our way not to tell. But I can tell you this: She will come to love Jodar as you've come to love me. As your mother and my father came to be fully devoted to each other."

Marlene smiled, returned Lahon's gentle caress, then put the infant Jodar back in his sleeping chamber. The baby will remain in the chamber for another six weeks, after which time his eyes will be fully open and he is able to scamper about. It pleased Marlene that she will have some input into Jodar's upbringing, but the responsibility for the child's primary rearing is Lahon's.
"Human mothers, for all their maternal love and nurturing, still do not know Echerylian ways. I shall rear our son in the path chosen for him. You, my dear, shall be responsible for teaching him gentleness and compassion. Your mother did that for me."
"And I'm glad she was there for you," replied Marlene.

So many things changed for Marlene – and for Virginia – since that odd encounter with Harlan and Annette those few weeks ago.

Neither Marlene nor Virginia heard from Harlan after they ran into the man and his new bride that evening of the recital. Perhaps it was seeing Virginia again – alive and well – after all these years that put Harlan on edge. Marlene noticed this, despite her father's seemingly tight rein on his emotions. Harlan, after introducing Annette as his new wife, appeared guarded, especially after Ginny introduced her two male companions. What really got Marlene was that her mother introduced the men by their Echerylian names. Stupid Annette just assumed the men were foreign, which explained the accents and strange-sounding names. Of course, since Veldun and Lahon had transformed themselves into humans, no one was the wiser, except Marlie and Ginny.
There was one thing that bugged Marlene: Veldun took Harlan aside and whispered something which upset Mr. Prentice so. Harlan didn't show his anger and apprehension much, but he did make a few hasty apologies for leaving so soon.
Taking Virginia's hand, he said, "I'm sorry, but Annette and I have another engagement to attend. Pleased to see you again, Virginia. And Marlene, wonderful performance. You have a rare gift."
Then he tentatively shook Veldun's hand, saying, "It has been a pleasure meeting you, sir, and your son."
Then he and Annette left, never bothering to call or write to Virginia or Marlene ever again. It was so strange, but perhaps Harlan finally understood that he could not forever push around his daughter or ex-wife.

Wait a minute...If Mom hadn't divorced Dad, then wouldn't his marriage to Annette be invalid?

Virginia answered that question with, "Marlene, that very day, when Veldun brought me here, Orson arranged for a quick divorce. He sent me to Reno for a few days, just long enough for the divorce to become final. Your father didn't dare contest it as he wanted his freedom. As far as Harlan was concerned, I skipped off West, divorced him, and apparently gave up parental rights. We fooled him, and when he received that letter from Orson, he realized what he had done. I never signed away my rights to you, and Harlan knew that."

OK, so Harlan didn't inadvertently commit bigamy, but what did Veldun say to him that got the man all shook up? That was a mystery that will never be solved. Maybe Veldun threatened Daddy again, telling him to stay away from us for good. Oh well, it doesn't matter now...

Marlene shrugged then went back to work on her second book. This time she decided to write a novel, a romantic epic loosely based on her mother's life. No, she was careful not to mention specifics, namely the subucni. For this work, Marlie devised a plot about the poor heroine who married the arrogant rich man. Just as it happened to her mother, the heroine faced the proverbial brick wall of indifferent in-laws, cruel treatment at the hands of a powerful wealthy family, and the mysterious stranger who would be her benefactor.

Marlene still had to work out a few plot bugs, but her publisher was quite impressed with the novel's premise. Already she was promised another best seller; there was talk of movie and TV rights. So Marlene Prentice – make that "Marlie Biald" – could finally relax and enjoy her new life as mate to Lahon and mother to Jodar. Never did she imagine she'd end up living in such lavish, lush surroundings, her every need taken care of by a team of loyal servants. Well, at least the servants won't talk – they're all robots!

With a sigh, she shoved the pile of papers away, deciding to spend the rest of the day practicing her music. That was another aspect of her life which brought her much joy. Within the short span of a few months, Marlene's musical talents grew, as Lahon said, tenfold and more. Already there were hints of bigger things to come for Marlene, music-wise. Her little amateur string ensemble received several invitations to perform for top drawer regional events, the latest being a special concert for an upcoming Christmas spectacular. For Marlene, who, only up to a few months ago, spent her days in abject and pre-programmed routine, that unforgettable initial encounter with Lahon – and the resultant revelations of that relationship – forever sealed her contentment. Everything was finally going her way, and she had the unusual creature destined to become her lifemate to thank.


In the quiet of her private sitting room, in the full blaze of the mid-morning sun streaming through the window, Marlene played once more the cello part of the Dvorak "American" string quartet. It was always a favorite for Marlene, with its decidedly American melodies echoing throughout. A grand first movement that smacked of Native American rhythms, a mournful second reminiscent of old Negro spirituals, a twinkling third movement that mimicked twittering birds on a sunny fall day in the woods, and the rollicking final movement, a down-home, foot-stomping romp tinged with just the right amount of cowboy and bluegrass melodies.
Careful to watch her timing, Marlene played through one more time before packing away her instrument. She had to get ready for a formal rehearsal with her other quartet mates, so she wanted no distractions. Her mother had already gone out, and her lover Lahon was presently down in the basement chamber with his father. Most likely doting on the little one, she thought with a smile...Such good parents they are...Always spoiling and pampering their offspring...And to think I don't have much hand in it, other than teach Jodar compassion and gentleness...It is their way. Too bad Daddy couldn't – wouldn't – take time to teach me how to be gracious and generous. He was too busy poisoning me against my mother, too bent on molding me into his little Stepford daughter...and keeping at bay the inevitable...

"But Daddy couldn't stop fate. I was already chosen to be Lahon's mate before I turned three. Veldun told Daddy it would happen, and it did. He could do nothing to stop it, but he tried to stifle me so I couldn't feel or love. He failed miserably, and now Harlan – I refuse to call him Daddy anymore –will have to live with the consequences of his actions."

Marlene mumbled audibly to herself, not knowing she had an audience. She felt a certain presence then wheeled around to face Lahon who slithered into the room. His golden eyes were all aglow. The reptilian mouth parted in a smile, showing off those perfect silver teeth. He hissed and laughed sensually as he slunk slowly, lustfully, upon the floor, inching dangerously close to Marlene. His body movements were deliberately sexy, writhing deliciously, allowing the sun to catch his smooth, shiny ebony skin, making it glow and sparkle in all the right places.
Marlene, overcome with desire, walked up to him, weaving her body as suggestively as his. She reached out to caress his neck and face, kissed him fervently, then allowed him to coil about her, letting him squeeze her until she nearly passed out with ecstasy. Within his coils, she wriggled and moaned as he deftly raised her nightshirt. Thank goodness she hadn't dressed yet, and that she didn't bother to wear panties. In an instant, he had her on the floor, covering her with his body. He entered her, letting the sharp barbs of his engorged penis stroke the inside of her swollen, wet vagina.
She arched her back, raised her pelvis to meet him, let her nails rake up and down his buttery smooth hide. How much he filled her, loved her, needed her...
"Mmm, Lahon," she moaned as he rocked with her.

Marlene, in the throes of passion, absolutely thrilled with this morning sexual romp, suddenly went wild under Lahon, bucking and writhing with enjoyment. She called out his name over and over, screamed as she felt his penis reach the opening of her womb, fulfilling and satisfying only to re-awaken the passion again and again.

Afterwards, both spent, they lay on that floor, only this time Lahon didn't breathe into her the sweet fragrance that lulled her to sleep. She wondered why and asked him just that. He laughed deeply, saying, "My lovely Marlie, I know you have an important rehearsal this afternoon, and a deep sleep is not in order...Not until tonight."
Marlene returned the laughter. "Oh, so you're giving me an advanced warning of what's to come tonight." She let go with hearty, rollicking amusement, laughing long and hard. "Bad choice of words...'What's to come'...Get it?"
"Darling, do not ever lose that humor. It is what makes me love you that much more."

He leisurely sprawled over her, caressing her with his long pink tongue. He then told her, "I have started Jodar's training. He is still very small and will not fully be able to get around for weeks. However, it is our way to introduce the little ones to the grandparent. Father is very pleased with him, and he says Jodar will make a good mate to the woman chosen for him. Do not worry, Marlene. With the strong influence and guidance from us, Jodar will make us proud. Now, I shall leave so you can prepare for your rehearsal."
He kissed Marlene, smiled, then left.


"Did Marlene get off all right?"
"Oh yes, Father. I had the footman lug that instrument down to her car. She is a treasure."
"That she is. You did well, my son. We exist to rescue the Marlenes and Virginias of the world from the likes of the Harlan Prentices. Now, with our Jodar, once he is of age and procures his mate, our circle shall be complete."
"You mean..."
"Exactly. Don't tell me you didn't overhear me whispering to Harlan that evening."
"Ah, the man blanched upon learning that the curse has yet to be fulfilled."
"Hm, he will never tell his new wife that her newborn granddaughter is destined to become a subucni's mate."

Lahon smiled, his perfect silver teeth glowing in the dim light of the basement chamber. His father was always right: Annette Conway Prentice has no idea her little granddaughter, Jessie, will follow down the same path as Virginia and Marlene before her.

"No doubt, Harlan will try his best to shield the child from Jodar, but it will be of no use. Once my son introduces himself to Jessie..."
"...And it will be sooner than it was for Virginia or Marlene. You see, I have it all programmed. Jessie, on her twenty-first birthday, just as she is about to embark upon a new life and career..."
Lahon rejoined, "...My Jodar will cause her much stress, but she will come to love him, and he will exalt and honor her as no human male can."

Both father and son watched through the special glassed-in cage where little Jodar slept. How fortunate Veldun was able to befriend Orson Gilliam, the very man who made this moment possible. Without Orson's timely intervention, then the subucni would have died off without the comfort of a loving human female, no offspring to carry on the Echerylian mission of enchanting dozens of unsuspecting, lonely, desperate women.

"Father," said Lahon as they prepared to leave the chamber, "does Marlene or Ginny know about the...You know...the truth."
Veldun smiled. "Well, I don't see why that is so important now. We both got what we wanted, and in the end, our young one will carry on. Already there are more of us, only the ladies do not know that. And it will please you to know that I've compounded Harlan's problem with his Annette. You see, there is another subucni who will pay the new Mrs. Prentice a call this very evening, however this visit will not result in adding Annette to our long list of conquests. Quite the opposite. It is my way of ensuring Jodar will have his mate...without the grandmother or her husband to interfere."

"I take it you don't want the ladies to know this."
"Of course not. What should they care about Harlan or Annette. Those people are out of their lives for good. They now have Echerylian surnames, and they are ours for all eternity. Ginny and Marlene are never to know. As far as they'll know, Harlan and Annette met an untimely tragedy. So unfortunate that a fire broke out in their new home and no chance of escape. At least little Jessie will not have to endure the hell Harlan put Ginny and Marlene through."

The pair slinked back upstairs, past the unsuspecting robot-servants. They slithered up to the third level, to the west wing of the mansion, a part of the house closed off for some years. Approaching a locked door, Veldun called out, "We are here."
The door flung open, allowing the creatures entry. Into the room they wriggled, both glancing about as if not wanting to be detected. Well, they hoped Ginny and Marlie would be gone for some time, and never decide to venture to this part of the house.

Veldun loftily announced, "It is done, sir. Jodar is growing and thriving. I've also dispatched the Echerylian avenger Arioch to get rid of two annoying loose ends."

The shadowy figure in the wheelchair continued to stare out the window. However, he wheeled around to let his very blue eyes meet the golden of Veldun and Lahon. He smiled and said, "Good work, Veldun. You have done well by me. Be assured of a handsome reward."
"But, sir," said Lahon, "we already have our reward: the love and devotion of two wonderful women."
"Well," the man said, "I supposed it was all worth it, getting Ginny away from Harlan. And Marlene...Just thinking how much she's blossomed since you've come into her life gives me joy unprecedented. Say, you made sure those gals don't–"
"If you mean," said Veldun, "by keeping this wing of the house off-limits, yes. They know this area is closed to them. We just say this wing is undergoing some renovation and leave it at that."

The frail old man smiled again. "While I don't like keeping the ladies in the dark like this, it is vital we don't tip their hand until the deed is done. Now, Veldun, once Harlan and his bitch wife Annette are finished off, we really should put our heads together. You know, come up with a plausible way to reveal myself to Ginny and Marlene...Just to tell them I'm still very much alive, and who Virginia's real father is..."

Veldun nodded, replying, "As you wish, Orson. As you wish..."

"Oh, Veldun. You and Lahon keep 'em happy and content. I'll keep the ladies coming for your future generations. And there are so many..."


Hope you enjoyed this story. You keep reading them; I'll keep writing them. :-)

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