SUBUCNI: A Twisted Tale of Seduction and Romance

Book III: "Lahon's Secret"
Part IV

"On an isolated island hidden amidst stormy seas, Echeryl was once a land lush and fertile. We subucni flourished for centuries, far removed from the outside world. The only times we ever ventured into the outer world was for seeking mates. However, due to a series of natural catastrophes, our land gradually died along many of our kind. Only a handful of us – my father and myself included – survived. We had to seek refuge either within the outside world or on another suitable planet. Those survivors left for outer planets while my father and I chose to remain behind. We found the sole human who had always been our advocate. You, Marlene, may have heard of him as he once did business with your father."

Before Virginia Prentice continued her tale of her nightmare marriage to Harlan, and the subsequent harsh treatment at the hands of her in-laws, Veldun thought it wise to tell Marlene about Echeryl, and how he came to live on this sprawling, lavish estate. There was, of course, the need to explain such as no human other than Virginia or Marlene ever discovered the estate's true inhabitants. Veldun and Lahon wanted to keep it that way for obvious reasons.

"I have no idea who lived here before," Marlene said, comforting her tearful mother. "Oh, I've passed by the turn-off but never thought someone actually lived here. So, who was here before? You said the original inhabitant knew my father."

"His name was Orson Gilliam, and he was, up until now, was the only human who knew of us and our land. When he received word of our plight, Orson opened his home to my father and me. He was, as I've said, once your father's client."
Marlene, her eyes wide with sudden realization, said, "Now I know! He used to come by the house with all these papers for Daddy to look over. Daddy oversaw Mr. Gilliam's business and legal affairs. He was nice to me, but I thought him a bit eccentric. I had no idea where he lived; even Daddy didn't know for sure, and I'm sure he never visited Mr. Gilliam's home."

"As Orson wished it," replied Veldun, his coal black scales glistening in the late afternoon sunlight. "He was, as you said, eccentric. He preferred to live alone, away from the prying eyes such as those of Harlan Prentice's world. Not long after we settled, Orson made an odd request, and that was to rescue Harlan's wife." He looked at Virginia with loving eyes then continued, "He knew, my dear, Ginny was in an awful bind. Orson, although quite reluctant to do so, attended that party."

"The very party Mom decided to attend."


"He was the first to notice me as I lurked outside the drawing room door. Orson and I ran into each other a few days after you were born. He was there to meet Harlan about some legal business, and I had just escaped, barely, being detected by one of the servants. I wasn't supposed to be in that part of the house, but it was one of my secret visits to see you. Anyway, Orson and I conversed briefly. He had no idea Harlan was married and had a child, and he asked why he hadn't met me before. It wasn't long before I broke down and told him everything. He was exceedingly kind to me, totally the opposite of Harlan or the rest of the Prentice clan. He reassured me that he would do everything in his power to rescue me. I had to disappear soon after since Harlan had just arrived home. Orson Gilliam was a godsend. I didn't know the extent of his kindness and help until that evening of the party, and what happened later that night."

Virginia Prentice, now composed anew, began to recount the events leading up meeting Veldun, and how one man made such an unusual love match possible.
"Anyway, Harlan or the other guests didn't notice my presence, and Orson wandered to the door, urging me inside. It was so embarrassing, feeling their cold eyes upon me, sensing their disapproval."

Ginny's voice shook a bit from recalling the bitter memories. Her hand trembled, alerting Marlene to bring a glass of sherry. Obviously, her mother will need much support and comfort. Thank God she is surrounded by those who love and need her, so unlike the nearly three-year hell she endured.

"Orson took my hand, paid me the kindest compliments, then led me through the door, into the room. He said to Harlan, 'So this is your Virginia. Why do you hide her? She is lovely.' Naturally, Harlan tried hard not to glare or to slap me right then and there. His mother came over and tentatively kissed me on the cheek then introduced me to her guests. I could tell she was so reluctant to do so. Imagine, the formidable, ever so stylish Gladys Prentice forced to be nice to me. She didn't pay much attention to Orson, and I later overheard her chastise Harlan for inviting him."

Lahon, strangely silent during Ginny's recount, coiled about Marlene. He tenderly caressed her cheek, saying at last, "Those people Orson knew well. Before he died, he told me of the Prentices, and of their penchant for coldness towards those they deemed 'beneath' them."
"And," rejoined Virginia, "anyone of their class who dared cross that line between their world and the rest of us."
She took a deep breath as Marlene asked, "OK, so Orson took it upon himself to force the Prentices' hand. What happened after that?"

"The rest of the evening," said Ginny. "was a disaster. Since I was cut off from the family, I had no idea what to do at a formal dinner party. I didn't know what fork to use or that I wasn't supposed to ask for seconds. When they brought out the finger bowls, I dunked my fingers in, much to Gladys' dismay. I wanted to stay behind with the men to converse; in fact, Orson encouraged me to stay. But Harlan insisted I leave with the women after dinner. What an old-fashioned thing to do: the ladies leave while the men remain to discuss politics and business. Anyway, when I joined the women in the drawing room for coffee, that's when Gladys laid into me, and Annette was there to rub it in."

Veldun's golden eyes were wet with tears. In a deep, rumbling, slightly choked voice, he said, "From the comfort of Orson's home, I watched Virginia's torment. The horrible things they said to her made my blood boil. However, given our nature, I could not inflict violence–"

"Wait a minute," interrupted Marlene. "You watched all this from here? How?"

Veldun chuckled, glanced at his son, then replied, "Lahon has yet to explain that, my child. When my father and I fled what was left of Echeryl, we managed to bring our special looking-glass. It gives us a view of the outside world."

Marlene nodded, turned to Lahon, saying, "Ah, so that's how you found me." Then, smiling, "And no, I'm not upset. Here I thought you found me by accident, when all along you were staking me out."

"I knew," said Lahon with equal humor, "I should have revealed that to you, but now you know."

"And," said Ginny, "it is how Veldun was able to find me, rescue me. Anyway, Gladys laid into me, calling me a low-class whore who led her son astray, trapped him in a marriage by getting pregnant on purpose. Then Annette told me I should have done the honorable thing and gotten rid of the baby." She was near tears again as she added, "That wasn't my thing. Abortion wasn't an option for me. I couldn't get rid of you, Marlie. Oh, if i did, I wouldn't have had to marry Harlan, wouldn't have had to put up with three years of the Prentices' crap. But when I looked and held you the first time, and seeing the woman you've become now, I believe all the hurt and pain was worth it."
Taking a healthy gulp of sherry, Ginny continued, "Afterwards, Gladys ordered me to return to my quarters. I had no choice. On the way upstairs, I glanced back to see Orson preparing to leave. Our eyes met, and I swore he gave me this signal as if to say things would work out for me."

"What," asked Marlene with some trepidation, "did Daddy do?"

"What would you expect? Later that evening, after the guests left, he came up to my room. He ordered me out of house within the week. He said he was filing for divorce in the morning, and that he wanted sole custody of you. Harlan had it all planned out. He said if I divorce him, give up my parental rights, then he'd make sure his parents provided a nice monthly allowance for me, as long as I cooperated. He had papers drawn up for me to sign. If I signed, I would give up all claims to you, which meant I'd never see you again. No way was I going to do that. I told him so, and he hauled off and slugged me. Harlan said if I didn't cooperate, he'd publicly smear me as a gold-digging whore. No judge would grant me even partial custody, so he said. I told him I'd sign his papers in the morning. And he merely smirked then left. I just sat on the bed all night, not able to sleep. The thought of giving you up for life was damning enough. I made up my mind to fight for you, even if meant standing up to the Prentices and all their money and top legal hounds."

"That," said Veldun, "was when I decided to make my move."

Virginia smiled at the thought, though her first encounter with the Echerylian creature was mind-boggling in the least.
"I tried to sleep, but kept feeling a dull throbbing in my loins. I thought it was my period, but I was wrong. Oh, boy, was I wrong!"

Just as it happened when Lahon came to Marlie, Veldun introduced himself to Ginny from the inside, swelling and squirming within her feminine depths until he brought her to orgasm. Just her daughter experienced, Ginny had no clue what was going on. Then out it came, writhing deliciously, laughing sensually. Veldun grew to his normal size then took Ginny as Lahon took Marlene – Strapped to the bed by wormlike ropes while her otherworldly suitor had his way with her.

"It was," said Virginia with a sigh and wicked smile, "the best sex I ever had. Harlan couldn't come close to what Veldun did to me. This creature awoke the woman within, making me come so much, so intensely. I was in heaven every time he touched me. It was all so beautiful...He said he was here to rescue me, and that I was to go to with him, to live in peace and contentment forever. But things got sticky...Your father walked in during our third coupling."

Marlene was taken aback. "Daddy caught you? What...How did he react?" Then it dawned on her why Harlan was so insistent on "meeting" her new "boyfriend". She looked at Lahon and said, "So that's why he insisted on meeting you. That's why he kept saying 'He's the reason you've changed so much.' Daddy knew about you and your father, and that Mom is your father's lover. Did he know Mom was here? Why didn't he tell me?"

Veldun and Virginia looked at each other. It was bound to come out, and the pair agreed to reveal what happened after Harlan surprised the highly unusual pair making love.

"Harlan," said Ginny, "came up later. I heard him calling through the door, saying he needed me to sign those papers now. He banged on the door, insisting I let him in. Veldun told me not to worry, for Harlan will soon learn the price of all the pain and anguish heaped upon me."

Lahon commanded Marlene's attention to Veldun's enchanted mirror, whereupon events nearly three decades old began to materialize. "Not only can we see the present through this, but also the past." Within the ornately framed, highly polished glass, Marlie could make out a much younger Harlan Prentice. She could see her mother lying on the bed, covered by Veldun's slinky ebony body. After a tumultuous coupling, the creature had just breathed into Virginia that same sweet fragrance which lulled her to sleep.

Harlan, at last forcing the door open, burst into the room, only to be shocked and awed by the presence of the Echerylian beast.
"My God!," he exclaimed with trembling voice and falling to his knees. "What the hell is this? Who are you? What the hell are you doing to my wife?"

Veldun slithered off Virginia; she never stirred from her deep slumber. He wriggled his way towards Harlan who still knelt before the creature, still in total shock of the 'monster' towering over him.

In the dim light of the bedroom, Harlan stared at the creature and begged for his life. "If you've come to kill me and take my wife, then do it!" Veldun laughed long and hard, thoroughly amused by this pathetic human's sudden attack of humility. How dare this man take advantage of an innocent young woman, impregnate her, then force her into a marriage of inconvenience. Worse yet, Harlan wholeheartedly kept Virginia from her own child. Now he threatens to kick the woman out in the streets, steal away her child, and 'compensate' by doling out a paltry sum every month. What price is motherhood to Harlan Prentice? Far too high for Virginia who will get the raw end of the deal. Something had to be done, Veldun thought, and Harlan will soon suffer the consequences of his actions.
The creature spoke,"Harlan Prentice, I am Veldun from the now-dead land of Echeryl. While I will not reveal the identity of the one who summoned me, I will tell you this: I am taking Ginny with me, where you will not find her. She will be out of your life for good. It is what you wanted, isn't it?"

Harlan, still in awe of this snakelike creature, still too shaken and scared senseless to believe this all too real, rose to his feet. He partially regained his natural cockiness and cold demeanor. Eyeing the creature, he said, "You are obviously a figment of my imagination. Yes, I've simply overindulged...all that rich food, wine, and brandy...and my mind is playing tricks on me. When I walked in, I swore you were screwing my wife, not that I care. I trust she was good for you. That's like Ginny, always ready to put out but not too swift in dealing with the aftermath."

Veldun grew angry. His huge golden eyes literally shot fire as he spoke in a voice couched with venom.
"Harlan, I am not a figment of you pathetic imagination. I am as real as you. As I said, I am taking Ginny with me where she will live in peace. I love her and will honor and protect her in ways incomprehensible to you. O wretched man, I curse you! You will never know contentment. I will, much to Virginia's chagrin, leave the child with you. But I promise, Harlan, your daughter, when she is of age, will become my son's lover. Oh yes, already the seed has been planted within Ginny. Already my son is growing within her body. When the time comes, he shall claim Marlene as his own, and she shall be exalted and honored. Do what you must to protect your child, but it will all come to pass. There is nothing you can do to stop Marlene's fate."

That said, Veldun coiled his body around a still slumbering Ginny, tightened his grip, then in a misty midnight blue cloud, vanished. Where did it go? Where's Virginia? Harlan stood in that now empty room, wondering if what he just saw and heard was all a dream. But she was gone. The bed with its mussed and sheets stained with sweat and semen stood as testament of the reality. Virginia was gone, usurped by that creature. What did it say? That Marlene would suffer the same fate? That Virginia was already carrying that monster's son? No way! Can't be.


"Harlan wanted not to believe it, but Orson Gilliam, before he died, left a letter. That note stated everything: How he became the subucni's benefactor. How he offered Veldun shelter. How he told Veldun of Harlan's cruelty towards me. Orson, when he attended that party and witnessed my torment, summoned Veldun. The curse rang all too true, and Harlan took great pains not to allow you to become a subucni's mate. That's why he told you those lies about me, why he and Ellen kept tight clamps on you, on your freedom. Your upbringing was all orchestrated to prevent the curse's fulfillment, but Harlan was wrong. Right now, he has some idea your secret lover is Veldun's son, and he will do anything to wrest you away from your true love. It will never happen, as Harlan has yet to suffer the curse's full fury."

Virginia, at last spent from her recount, rested within Veldun's coiling embrace. Marlene now know the truth, but not all of it. Lahon said to her, "My love, your father does not know of this place. He will never come here. However, his trials are just beginning as there is one person who will cause him much grief, far more than what he experienced when he encountered my father. Marlie, stay here with us. You will be so loved and honored. You shall want for nothing, and you will be ensured your freedom. You will be able to come and go as you please, to pursue your dreams with a renewed heart."
"But," said an awestruck Marlene, "what will happen to Daddy? While I want him to get his comeuppance for what he did to Mom and me...Hey!"

A wicked smile spread across her face as she asked Veldun, "How did my mom give birth to Lahon? Not the usual way, I take it."
Veldun and Lahon chuckled, the former saying, "No, it's not like human reproduction. When the time comes, I shall explain it all. I do believe, once you understand how we reproduce, you will give me a grandson within the year."

Go to Part V

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