Melody Starr:

The Dark Horse Conspiracies

Chapter 7

Keeping a sharp lookout for Jake, Charmaine's bodyguard and all-around tough guy, Nydessa got on the bus. She made it her point to disembark a few blocks beyond her destination; that way Jake wouldn't, if he indeed was sent to follow her, detect where she had been. In a way, Nydessa wished she had stayed with Satine instead of evading Charmaine. Honestly, that woman, while she had been quite good to Nydessa, had become more desperate as the election loomed. There could, according to Charmaine, no unexpected snags or else Ray Marsh could kiss his easy victory goodbye. Easy victory, thought Nydessa as she tried to blot it all out of her mind. Ray and Charmaine got this election fixed, and I can prove it. Thank God I had good sense to tell Satine everything. I can't go on with all this on my conscience. And she did tell Satine all: how Charmaine and Ray hooked up; how her mistress convinced John Eiger to reprogram "Dark Horse"; how that program got planted in Cosmic Chaos' A-V equipment; how Taylor met her end.

"I didn't know she was a spy, Satine," she explained. "I told Charmaine, but I thought she wasn't going to kill Taylor who found the door that leads from the dressing rooms to our secret hideout. That's when Jake caught her, then he knocked her out and took her to Charmaine."  Nydessa grimaced as she recalled her recent conversation with Satine Noire. She told her secret lover – Oh yes, Nydessa and Satine shared more than coffee that night – how Charmaine ordered Jake to, "Take Ms. Wyles to the 'rumpus room'. You know what to do with her." From that point, Nydessa had no idea what happened and only found out that Taylor met her end once Charmaine ordered her to tell Jake to, "Dispose of the body."

 "I don't know how she died, Satine," she tearfully said, "I just know Taylor wasn't the first. There was that Marty McCormack guy, the one who was running for state senator. She had him killed, Satine, and with some sort of bug John Eiger made...She killed him too, or so she said..."

That said, Nydessa broke down in Satine's arms, confessing that she had to get away from Charmaine, that she was a fool to get suckered in by the woman. "I didn't know she was that bad, Satine. All I could see was the money and the fancy clothes she bought me. She took me places, showed me the world, but I had no idea Charmaine was just plain evil." 
Naturally, once Nydessa confessed all then broke down, Satine had to reassure her that no harm will come to her. "Just for appearances' sake, go back to Charmaine," she said, "lest she suspects something is out of the ordinary. She is dangerous, Dessie, and I won't put it past her to kill you...Just like she killed Taylor. Don't worry: I'll make sure she won't hurt you ever again."
That was what Nydessa couldn't get over: Satine's knowledge of Taylor's death, right down to where the body was found and what condition. "A homeless couple found her body in a dumpster behind the cafe across the street from the club. Her throat had been slashed...She bled to death." "How," asked Dessie suspiciously, "do you know this?"

That was when "Satine" had to come clean. If she really loved this girl, and if Nydessa truly loved her, then once "Satine's" true identity was out in the open... Melody had her mind made up; she would protect Nydessa no matter what the cost. Besides, with the girl having privy to almost everything that goes on in the club, she could feed that information to Melody who in turn would pass it on to Reyna. She would, no doubt, reassure Nydessa that there would be no prosecution, no prison sentence if the girl agreed to testify against her mistress. So Melody answered the girl's inquiries: that is, she revealed her true identity and the real purpose for masquerading as "Satine Noire".
At first, Nydessa was taken aback, fearing that Melody would turn her in as accomplice. But she pleaded her case, telling Melody that she had no idea Charmaine was doing such despicable things. Thanks to God Melody believed in her and vowed to help her get away from Charmaine. But, the Metacorps agent cautioned, Nydessa would have to go on as Charmaine's "pet". Of course Dessie protested, but when Melody suggested...

"Twelfth and Elmhurst!," announced the driver, jolting Nydessa from her reverie.

No, do NOT get off here...Wait a few blocks in case Jake is out there. And keep a sharp lookout when I get back to the club. I'm to go up to Ray's office, switch the Dark Horse CD's, then go on about my business as usual. I'm glad Melody got it all out in the open, and I'm happy she says I won't go to prison...I was an innocent pawn in Charmaine's latest plot... Once Nydessa got off the bus, she looked up and down the street, in all directions for signs of Jake or his car. Goody! No hired goon to follow me...Now, get back to the club with my "shopping bag" (a ruse to keep Charmaine off my back), then sneak up to Ray's office...I just hope Melody's plan works...


Gaining access to Ray's office was easier then Nydessa ever dreamed. Audra wasn't at the bar, her usual post, and Jake was no where to be found – a double blessing. So Nydessa quietly and quickly sprinted  up the stairs to Ray's office without one person detecting her presence. Tiptoeing to the desk and keeping a sharp listen for anyone who might happen by, Dessie espied the "Dark Horse" CD-ROM prominently situated on top a stack of papers. Taking advantage of the time alone, Nydessa quickly spirited the real program into her bag then replaced it with the bogus copy. Lingering a few moments longer, she saw something quite disturbing. On the memo pad were jotted these words: "Sell the club...Get rid of her...Charmaine will do this."
Oh no! Ray must be on to Melody, too. And there is only one way Charmaine takes care of loose ends. Not wanting her new love to go the way of Taylor, Nydessa quickly exited the room, taking care that nothing was out of place. She had to find a way to warn Melody that her cover had been blown. But how? How did Charmaine and Ray discover "Satine's" true identity so fast? Nydessa didn't take any chances; and, gaining access to one of the dressing rooms (Charmaine's cameras never reached in there anyway), she immediately dialed the number Melody gave her. "Call this whenever you need it,"  Melody told Nydessa before the latter returned to the club. Whoever spilled the proverbial beans not only had made an enemy of Melody but also spelled the end of his or her days. Charmaine, once anyone no longer is of use to her, simply casts those hapless souls to the wind. Just like she did John Eiger...


"So, you're Melody's fiancé..."

Charmaine looked the handsome young man up and down. How grateful she was that Kent Phillips so nonchalantly revealed to Audra the true identity of Drowning Freedom's new lead singer. How puzzled she was as to why Kent would even endanger the woman he supposedly loved...Wait, didn't he say "ex-fiancé"?

"That's what I said," confessed a now nervous Kent, who was flanked by Audra and Jake. The former he felt totally at ease with; the latter...Well, Jake was rather intimidating with his tall brawny build, huge bald head, and big hands capable of tearing anyone apart. This was what Kent feared, and now he began to regret doing something so stupid. But Melody had it coming, she did it to herself by locking lips with that Nydessa chick. Could the pretty young blonde be Charmaine's girl? Kent came this close to asking his inquisitor that very question, but he resisted. Being in this lady's company was intimidating enough.

"Look, Charmaine," he said as she graciously offered him a glass of wine, "I don't want Melody hurt, but she hurt me in ways I can't go into."
"Oh no, Mr. Phillips," replied Charmaine, the faint light of her underground lair reflected off her tight and shiny black lamé mini-dress. This was some layout, thought Kent, and how Charmaine managed to hide herself from the rest of the world...

She continued in her smarmy style, "I have no plans to harm your precious Melody. On the contrary. However, she may pose a threat to my plans, to the very outcome of the upcoming election."  Kent raised an eyebrow. He never did keep up with the current political scene, and the race between Jim Jacobs and Ray Marsh didn't concern him anyway – He lived in a different district. But the fact that Ray surged in the polls was intriguing enough. So he said, "You're behind Ray's sudden popularity? I thought it was just Jacobs losing touch with his constituency."
To this Charmaine laughed out loud. "Oh no, Kent. It is not that...But..."

She turned to Audra, saying, "Go back upstairs, Audra. Keep an eye on Satine all during tonight's performance. When she finishes her last set, I want you to make sure she does not leave the club."
To Jake, "Take Mr. Phillips to the guest room. Make sure he is comfortable...and that he does not escape."


Nydessa walked nonchalantly through the double doors leading from the secret staircase. She accomplished her mission and now just wished she could effectively make up some story as to her whereabouts all morning and afternoon. It was getting late, and the club would be opening soon. So many thoughts raced through Nydessa's mind: What was on that bogus CD-ROM Melody gave her to switch? Would either Ray or Charmaine get wise to the switch? And what, exactly, would that program do once placed into Cosmic Chaos' AV system? Not wanting to know the answers too soon, Dessie walked into the living quarters to find Charmaine no where in sight. Oh good, though Nydessa as she quickly went to the bedroom to change for the evening.
All this secrecy was starting to get to her, and she didn't want to slip up and give Melody away. She loved Melody more now, especially since that lady confessed her true identity and the reasons behind her mission. Nydessa, as she showered, could not get over how different Melody was from Charmaine. Whereas Charmaine was cold, distant, arrogant, Melody was exactly the opposite. As a lover Charmaine was demanding, forceful, almost to the point of abusive. Oh sure, Nydessa found Charmaine quite a pleasing lover; the woman certainly knew how to please. But there was something missing. Melody...

Never would Nydessa forget this morning's encounter, her first with Melody. Well, when she thought Melody was 'Satine'... The woman did admit she had a steady boyfriend but broke off the engagement upon discovering she really didn't love the man.

"Oh," explained Melody, "Kent is a nice man, but he's kind of old-fashioned about his women. He feels what I do for a living – and not the freelance writing – is too dangerous and not the type of career for a mother..."

She stopped herself then kissed Nydessa firmly on the mouth. That was another awakening for Melody. She explained that she did dabble in lesbianism long ago but dated boys on the side. She fell in love, or thought she did, with Kent Phillips. "It was to prove something to myself. I guess I was wrong. I am bisexual but prefer to be with women, and Kent will have to accept that."

Nydessa, letting the warm water cascade all over her body, sighed in frustration. Here she was as Charmaine's kept woman, yet there was another woman to whom she gave her complete heart, body, and soul. The things Melody made her feel...So unlike Charmaine, whose idea of mutual consent was to command Nydessa to climax...

Out of the shower, Dessie toweled off then began dressing. What to wear tonight? Not a hard decision since most of her wardrobe consisted of sexy "fetish wear" – latex, leather, PVC, spandex. She chose tight black leather pants and matching halter top, and clear Lucite high-heeled sandals. So what if Charmaine doesn't approve...

She sprayed on a light fragrance then fluffed out her gleaming blonde hair into a big moussed-up 80's "do". Were there voices coming from the living room? Nydessa tiptoed to the door, cracked it open slightly, then listened. Yep, there they are, Ray and Charmaine. What are they talking about? "Ray, we got trouble. I can't go into it now, but we must put in the new Dark Horse program tonight."
"No problem, Charmaine. I got the CD-ROM out on my desk ready to go."
"Good! I want that installed now. The sooner we get more eager young voters into our fold, the greater your victory margin." 

There were other things said, but Nydessa couldn't make out the words as both Ray and Charmaine headed for the door that led to the outside. A few moments later Charmaine came back, and Nydessa knew her mistress would miss her, thus sending Jake to find her. Yuck! I hate that Jake guy, especially since...Oh wow! What if Charmaine knows that Satine is really the celebrated Melody Starr? What if Melody gets caught? Then...

Oh, I know how I can help if she does...

Nydessa, finally having a plausible explanation for her lengthy absence ready, emerged from the bedroom. Charmaine sat on the couch and approvingly appraised her "pet's" choice of club wear. However, she was quite miffed that Nydessa was gone for a good part of the day and demanded an explanation.
"Well, Charmaine,"  Dessie began in a firm matter-of-fact voice. She couldn't waver or appear nervous; there was too much at stake. "I was going shopping but decided to head for the library..."
At this, Charmaine laughed out loud and said disbelievingly, "The library! Nydessa, you are hardly the brainy type!"
"Oh, Charmaine," Dessie amusedly replied, "I just wanted something different to do, that's all. They have everything: books, newspapers, videos, computers...I spent all morning just surfing the web, then I watched some movies, listened to some CDs. I even borrowed a few CDs. Then I went shopping but found nothing I really liked, then I came home."

Charmaine smiled, satisfied that her little lady had yet to prove disloyalty. No one can be too careful...But there is always a little test now and then...

 "Nydessa, I take it you haven't been in contact with Satine."
"No, ma'am," Dessie replied in flat voice, "I haven't talked to her all week. The last time I spoke with her was Sunday evening but I hadn't the chance to get really close to her...I guess the band's really keeping her busy."

Charmaine smiled again, knowing the favor she would ask of Nydessa. If the girl is as loyal as she professes, then all the better. Besides, this little game should prove quite the eye-opener...And if Nydessa refuses, backs out, or tries to play heroine, then the girl would go the way of that other little slut who dared to cross me...

"Nydessa," she said, "I want you to take in all of Drowning Freedom's act tonight. As always, you will gain access to Satine's dressing room. Now, I do NOT want this woman to leave the club, not even for a late night snack. Got it?"

Nydessa nodded but was not sure where Charmaine was taking this. "My dear, I want you to show Satine the secret door, the door that leads to this place. I only wish to meet her, to congratulate her on making Ray's campaign that much more successful. Nydessa, it is Ray's wish that I meet Satine. He wants her to perform at a pre-election rally next week. So...Do I have your cooperation?"
Nydessa didn't know how to respond. This is not like the last time when she was told to bring Taylor down here. Perhaps Charmaine doesn't know about Melody; perhaps it is all for Ray Marsh and the interest of politics. She nodded, saying, "OK, Charmaine, I'll bring her here...But please–"

 "Please don't hurt her? Honestly, Nydessa, you should know me by now. I will not 'hurt' Satine. Oh no. But I will hurt YOU if you screw this up!"

To be continued...Go to Chapter 8

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