Chapter 18

"In all my days...Here be dragons!" So said Sir Edgard as he strode into the securely enclosed courtyard of the old l'Aigle estate. Well, it wasn't old for long, not since Griselda and Fergus bought and refurbished the place as their own. Who would have imagined, said Fergus, that Theodoric once used this magnificent house as his hideout. Now it served as Fergus and Griselda's home. At last they were reunited after years of forced separation. Both bride and groom welcomed their wedding guests, both human and draconic. Yes, the dragons could again show themselves openly in and around Ninegates, but as Samira reasoned, it would be best for them not appear in town lest frighten the citizens. Oh well, at least there were no more threats of death from boastful, bogus warriors. Finally the dragons could live in peace.

On this day, in addition to the usual wedding guests, the entire draconic clan attended. The reason was given not only by both bride and groom but Sir Edgard as well. The Blue Knight was ever grateful Medra and Samira took the necessary steps, as grievous it turned out for a few ill-fated souls, to rid Ninegates of Theodoric's brutal rule. So many wrongs had to be made right, and those persecuted and injured by the late Lord Fairfax and his hired thugs were able to return to the town of their birth without reprise.

So many changes occurred for Ninegates and beyond since Theodoric and his henchmen's defeat. The dark cloud of suspicion and deceit finally lifted. The seeds of fear and terror planted by Theodoric withered and died the day those who dared stand up to the man bared the fruits of their tireless, painstaking planning.
Now was the time for rejoicing, and there wasn't a soul who didn't share in freedom and peace regained. As the happy couple entered the garden, greeting their guests, it was Sir Edgard who led the bridal toast. The Blue Knight, resplendent in his royal blue velvet attire, did not forget all who helped him regain his rightful place, and his identity. In a way, what happened to him – that day when Ostric and his men accosted the Blue Knight, leaving him for dead – paved the way for an incredible climax. He was especially grateful to Medra and the dragons for making what was so wrong right again.
Sir Edgard was now firmly ensconced in Fairfax Manor; and, understandably seeing that the mere name "Fairfax" would conjure bitter memories, he changed the name to Woodvern, in honor of his ancestral home. No more would Theodoric's name or image appear in all of Ninegates; the man had become a painful thorn for so long. Edgard felt since this was a time for renewal and revitalization, there would be no mention of Theodoric or Ostric ever again.

Amid the joyful throng, he raised his wine cup, saying in his booming voice, "O happy day. For we have shaken away the shackles placed upon us. This is a new day for Ninegates and beyond. Whatever wrongs he has wrought shall never happen again. I promise to rule Ninegates with fairness, compassion, wisdom. Never again shall you quake in fear. Never again shall you be forced to bend to the whims of a tyrant. Those days have long passed."

He turned to Griselda and Fergus, adding, "Good man, and woman worthy of such a husband. May I be the first to wish you peace, joy, and prosperity in your married life. May Providence bless your union with a glad heart and many children."
To this, Griselda laughed, replying, "Oh my, Fergus. Do you think we are too old to rear a brood of children?"
Fergus returned the laughter, saying, "My good wife, if that is in our future, then so be it. My dear Griselda, you have been denied the comfort of a good husband and children. I say, after we have said our farewells to our guests, that we had better make haste in creating–"
"Fergus!," exclaimed the blushing bride, "This is hardly the time nor place to discuss such."

Raucous laughter rang throughout the courtyard, and the one who laughed longest and hardest was Paul, still in draconic form. What Fergus said reminded him of his upcoming union with Leysa, the daughter of Waroth, a legendary dragon who was killed by Theodoric himself. Leysa lived with her mother Braenah in faraway coastal region Swynshore. Both dragons had to remain in hiding all those years following Waroth's death, and they had no knowledge of Samira's plot to bring down Theodoric and his henchmen.
When Paul arrived at Swynshore with his parents, he was immediately taken with Leysa. Here was a female dragon who possessed all his same qualities: studious, insatiably curious of the world, musical, artistic, gentle and compassionate, a bit of an introvert. And she was easy on the eyes. A lithely built dragon with slender body the color of brilliantly iridescent violet. Her delicate wings were like wispy gossamer, and her large almond-shaped eyes of the softest shade of green. Paul fell in love with her at once, and his parents approved the union.

It was, according to Evan, prophesized that the offspring of Waroth would be the telling factor in Theodoric's downfall. Well, Lord Fairfax took that prophecy seriously enough to slay Waroth out of fear the dragon would live long enough to sire children. What Theodoric didn't know was that Waroth foresaw his death and had Braenah take their only child to faraway Swynshore. There mother and daughter lived until that day when Evan and Evelyn came calling.
That was one upcoming union acknowledged by Sir Edgard. Raising his cup again, he exalted, "And lest we forget those magical, wondrous creatures who worked so tirelessly to make this day possible." He nodded to Paul, saying, "May your union with the lovely and worthy Leysa be blessed with peace and happiness. Oh yes, and many more little dragons to grace our fair land."
Paul tried not to blush (He didn't know that dragon's couldn't blush!), but he rejoined with, "Thanks, Sir Edgard. I just wanted to express my appreciation for everyone here: My parents, my Aunt Samira, Medra, Griselda, everyone. And may I be the first to congratulate you on your upcoming marriage."

 Huh? The Blue Knight betrothed already? When Sir Edgard took charge of Theodoric's estate, Lady Pavia approached him and earnestly apologized for her cousin's brutality. She atoned for all the wrongs Theodoric and his hired mercenaries wrought all over Ninegates and beyond. Edgard, touched by this young woman's heartfelt apologies, and by her beauty, instantly told her that he did not blame her for her cousin's misdeeds. He explained that she was an innocent party to Theodoric's evil designs, that he was just using her to further his own nefarious agenda. So taken with her beauty, compassion, selflessness, and piety, Sir Edgard began courting Lady Pavia in earnest. He had only asked for her hand recently, and not too many knew of the engagement save Medra and the dragons. What wonders wrought within a few fleeting months. And what joys once the news of Sir Edgard and Lady Pavia's upcoming nuptials spread throughout Ninegates.


Little Bertram Rivère looked out over the cheering throng, staring in awe at the magnificent, fabulous beasts. He had heard of dragons via the many stories his parents told him, but never did he think he'd see actual dragons in the flesh. It both fascinated and terrified him, but his mother reassured the boy that these creatures posed no threat.
"My son," said Lucy, "if you go to Samira, and thank her for everything she did to help your mother, perhaps you and she will become very good friends."
"But, Mother," Bertie protested, "she might eat me or set me on fire."
"Nonsense! She and her family went to great lengths to help me. Do you remember when we found Sir Edgard? Remember him telling us how he got hurt? Well, Samira and her family helped him. They helped capture those bad men who hurt him. Now, would a dragon who helps people hurt a sweet little boy like you?"

Bertram nodded, saying, "Well, no. I like the way she looks. She's pretty. Her sister seems very nice."
"Well," said Lucy, "why don't you go over and introduce yourself?"

Lucy Rivère watched Bertie as he tentatively strode up to Samira. It was strange, thought Lucy, of all the tales she heard about the beautiful black dragon: that Samira had a penchant for indulging in numerous affairs. It was not lost on Lucy that Samira and Medra carried on a most unorthodox love relationship, but what did it matter now? Whatever the sorceress Medra and the dragon Samira did was well worth the sacrifice and heartache. If it wasn't for them, Lucy would have spent the rest of her days in complete anonymity, never knowing the child she and Emery found was Mirinda's.

How odd things turn out for the best. Lucy and Emery could have simply surrendered custody of Bertie to Mirinda and Fabian. After all, Emery Rivère was just a minor merchant, Lucy a former domestic servant. How could people of their class measure up against one as powerful and prominent as Fabian Martel? Mirinda and Fabian could give Bertram everything she and Emery could not, Sir Edgard's generous offer to underwrite the boy's education notwithstanding. This Emery and Lucy voiced during that meeting with Sir Edgard and the Martels. Lucy's fears was fanned even further that day when Mirinda caught sight of little Bertie and immediately fell in love with the winsome blond cutie. How adorable and gentle this child is, Mirinda remarked to Lucy, and of very bright intelligence.

"Surely," said Mirinda to the Emery Rivère, "you and your wife have secured proper schooling for your son. A boy with his talents and potential should have every advantage."
Was that a stab at Lucy and Emery's upbringing of the child, or Mirinda dropping hints that she wanted full custody of Bertram? Before meeting got underway, Lucy caught up with Alice Inskeep, saying, "Go tell Medra and Samira that Mirinda intends to take away our child, the very child she and the dragon left to us to rear. Medra should be here, talking sense into her sister. She can't stand aside and watch a child torn from the only parents he's known."
Well, Alice tried to find Samira and Medra, but the former was still up at Mt. Nycia dishing it out to Jamie Morrow; the latter was no where to be found. How fortunate for Alice to run into Morib, who agreed to intercede on the Rivères' behalf. The old dragon, as much as he loved Samira, silently cursed his mate for being so shortsighted. Of course, with all the meticulous planning of Theodoric and Lawrence's defeat, not to mention the reunion of Paul with his parents, little Bertram's future simply fell by the wayside. Morib agreed something had to be done, with or without Samira and Medra's approval. A child's life hung in the balance. After shape-shifting once again into the elegant elderly gentleman, Morib accompanied Alice back to town, and acted as Bertram's advocate.

While Edgard didn't know what to make of this sudden appearance by this wise old man, Fabian immediately recognized Mauro DuPré AKA Morib. Monsieur DuPré pleaded the child's case so eloquently that Fabian realized what he and Mirinda wanted was out of the question. His wife would have to understand that. Nodding in ascent, Mr. Martel leaned to his wife and whispered, "Perhaps it is best we do not take the boy. I have a plan that may suit all concerned. Your sister would agree to such an arrangement, Mirinda. And I'm sure Sir Edgard and the Rivères would concur. Please, for the boy's sake, don't take him from Lucy and Emery. He's happy. Don't plant those seeds that may sprout discontent and resentment. You said Bertie is nothing like the monster who sired him. Let the child mature into a fine young man, but with the Rivères as his parents, not us. In time, when he's old enough to understand, we will tell him the truth. Right now, though, his young mind may not grasp the grave circumstances surrounding his birth."

After some thought, Mirinda agreed with her husband. Naturally, she wanted to take the boy she gave up years ago. However, as Fabian said, the boy's welfare and happiness should take precedence over any maternal stirrings she suddenly felt within. A plan was drawn up: Bertram would stay with Rivéres, and Sir Edgard would continue to underwrite the boy's future schooling. And what about the Martels? Fabian, sensing a lucrative business opportunity, not to mention that his sister was now happy and reunited with her true love, decided to move to Ninegates. Nothing made Mirinda more ecstatic. At last she could be near her beloved sister and draconic friends. No Ostric or Theodoric to harass or threaten her. In hindsight, as much as Mirinda loved her city life and its bustle, she missed the peace and quiet of Ninegates. She craved tiny villages, mountains, meadows, and woods, not overcrowded urban streets.

Fabian suggested that the Rivères need not give up Bertie or tell him that "Madame Martel" is his biological mother. For now, to Bertie, Mirinda and Medra are "Miss Mirinda and Miss Medra". There was no need to confuse the child. The Martels also agreed that Sir Edgard's generous offer to oversee and fund the boy's education shall continue, with Fabian's timely input.
"After all," Mr. Martel reasoned, "you have two well-schooled gentlemen who see potential in the child. May I, when Bertram is of age, take him on as my apprentice? That is if Sir Edgard does not object?"
No objections from either the Blue Knight or the Rivères. Lucy surmised that Wellbrooke is a day's ride from Ninegates; they could bring Bertie to see his mother and aunt any time. "Although we don't want Bertie confused," said Emery, "he does have family here. He should be able to connect with you, Mirinda, and I think it's high time he meet those creatures who have been instrumental in rectifying the grievous wrongs caused by Lord Fairfax and his mercenaries."


An arrangement well received... Lucy called to Emery, "My husband, look at our son. He is making friends with the dragons. Listen..." From their vantage point, the Rivères watched as Bertram struck up a conversation with Samira and Medra. How calmly he approaches, how polite he speaks, now that his mother reassured him the dragons mean no harm.
Bertram, his generous blond hair flowing in the breeze, walked up to Samira and said, "If you please, Miss Samira. My name is Bertram Rivère. My mother says you helped her when she was hurt. I'm glad you helped her. She says I shouldn't be afraid of you because you are kind."

Touched by the child's earnestness, and readily detecting all the goodness in him, Samira bent down, allowing Bertie to pet her coal black snout. She spoke, "Young Bertram, you don't know how much I've looked forward to meeting you. And yes, I did help your mother when she was in trouble, as I helped Misses Medra and Mirinda."
She nodded to Evan and his family. "Do you see the dragons there?"  Bertie, smiling broadly, replied, "Yes, I see them. Miss Medra said the lady dragon is your sister."
Samira returned the smile, showing her perfectly white, sharp teeth. Lightly fragranced purple smoke wafted from her nostrils as she said, "You are right, young one. Evelyn is my sister. She has just reunited with her long lost son, Paul. He is to be...er...married tomorrow."
"Oh," said Bertie, "so that's the pretty lady dragon I see."

Giggling with delight, he pointed to Leysa's lithesome form. "So we'll have three weddings. Oh joy! I've never been to three weddings in a row. First, Fergus and Griselda...that's Uncle Fabian's sister. Then Paul and Leysa...they'll be my friends, too. Then Sir Edgard is marrying Lady Pavia next month. He's going to send me to school when I'm older."

Medra, touchingly beautiful in her flowing violet dress and ring of spring flowers around her hair, walked up to her draconic friend. "I see you've become acquainted with young Bertram."

To Bertie, she said, "Mirinda and Fabian are going home soon. Why don't you go over and say your good-byes?"
Little Bertram, his eyes lighting up at the mention of Mirinda's name, remarked, "I must be the luckiest boy in both Ninegates and Wellbrooke. Know what? Sir Edgard is giving my mother and father a bigger house. He says he got a lot of land from someone, I forget who. But I have two ladies – my mother and Miss Mirinda – to look after me. It's like having two mothers."

That said, Bertram scampered off to say his farewells to the Martels. With tears welling her eyes, Medra thought of al the hard-won battles and meticulous scheming that led to this joyous occasion.
"Medra, my dear," said Samira with concern, "Why are you crying? This is a happy day, no time for tears."
"Tears of joy, Samira my love. All we did, we did it for them."

She nodded to her sister and brother-in-law as they strode up to express their parting words of gratitude and love. "And for them," she added, indicating Evan, Evelyn, and Paul. "Just think, Samira. In a few hours Paul and Leysa will start their new life together."

Then, a thought came to her. "Samira? Where will they live? Certainly Paul, after all he's been through – reuniting with his true parents and being rid of that Jamie – he would not consent to reside in windswept Swynshore."
"Oh no, Medra. We're living here. Braenah is coming to stay with us. We have our lair all ready for what I'm sure will be a long, peaceful life."

 Those words came from Paul who, with Leysa by his side, wanted to express his gratitude for all Medra and Samira did for his sake. "If it hadn't been for you, I would have been stuck in that hellhole...You know, forced to be chained forever to the Morrows. You've set me free, Medra. Aunt Samira, I know what you did to Jamie, and I've come to understand why she suffered as she did. As I told my father, I scarcely weep for Jamie. She wasn't my sibling after all, a complete stranger who took a wicked delight in making my life Hell on Earth."
"And," rejoined Samira, "you would not have the pleasure of meeting this charming young lady."  Leysa tried not to look too embarrassed. She took all the attention showered on her and Paul in stride.
"Samira," she said, "Paul...Well, his real name is Viram. I will have to get used to his human name. Anyway, I want to thank you and Medra as well. Perhaps, some day, when we've tired of the human life–"
"What? 'Human life'?"

Samira was taken aback. Paul was reassuring. "Aunt Samira, Mom and Dad consented to my wish to resume my human form. But only part time. Leysa has agreed to shape-shift as well. There is so much she wants to experience in my human world, in my time frame. We're so much alike, and I know we'll have plenty of tales to share when we come visit."
The happy couple then took to the air, in preparations for their upcoming nuptials. They would be, in time, followed by Evan and Evelyn, Samira and Morib, and their human friends.

 Medra, a satisfied smile spreading across her face, asked her draconic lover, "How long before the union rituals begin?"
"Not until after sunset tomorrow."
"Hmm...that gives us time. I know you want to go back to the cave with Morib, but..."
"You want to go to our special place."
"You read my mind."
"Climb on my back, then within minutes, I shall take you on a journey you'll never forget."
 "Hmm...a 'journey'...Does that have to do with what I'm thinking?"
 "My darling Medra, I shall always love you, as I do Morib. He's my mate, but you're my lover. He knows my nature, what he calls 'peculiar' urges. And he has never objected to my many affairs."

Medra's eyes took on a wicked glint. "But you will give him an unforgettable 'journey'..."
"After yours, dear Medra."  That said, both sorceress and dragon took flight to Foxglen Wood, to that secluded glade...

Samira was right, it was an unforgettable journey, and they could finally live and love in peace.


Copyright©2003, 2004 by Pepper Shriver*. All Rights Reserved.
*My pen name :-)

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