Claire Unchained

Chapter V

Jody Hampton didn't trust the man standing before her in the front yard. He claimed he was an old classmate of Pansie's and wanted to look her up. It had been many years since they'd seen each other, he said, and he just wantded to know where he could find her. "And what was your name again?," Jody asked waringly.

"Derek Ballard, Ms. Hampton. I'll be in town only a few days, so if you could tell me where Pansie is, I'll greatly appreciate it."
The man's lying, thought Jody, a comely, pleasingly plump redhead in her early 20's. I know for a fact this man didn't go to school with us, either high school or college. where have I heard that name before? Jody had half a mind to turn the water hose on this incessantly prying man, but she resisted and continued watering the flower bed.

Instead, she gave Mr. Ballard a few false leads as to Pansie's whereabouts. The man is up to no good, and he may be a spy for Claire's parents and that – ugh! – disgusting fiancé. "Mr. Ballard–"
"Call me Derek."
"OK, Derek...Anyway, Pansie stepped out to run a few errands. I can't tell you where she is exactly, but she did say she was going to the post office, bank, grocery, library...I don't expect her back until this afternoon."
Derek nodded his appreciation, saying, "Thanks, Jody. I'll check back later today. And tell Pansie that I'm sorry I missed her." "Drat!," Jody said as she waited for Pansie to pick up, "and just when Claire finally got her life back on track...Why can't her folks just leave her alone?"

"Hello, Pansie? It's me. Hey, there was some guy here a few minutes ago asking for you...He said he was an old classmate...Derek Ballard...Oh my God! That's the one? You think Claire's folks sicced him on us? OK, if he comes around again, I'll read him the riot act. Call who? Claire's Aunt Jen? Oh...Yes! She could head off the Browns and that Van guy...OK, I'll call her...I just hope that guy doesn't find Claire."


Claire and Aarien didn't go out after breakfast, preferring to stay in the comfort of their luxury suite. They could, Claire suggested, go shopping or she could show Aarien the sights of her town. However, there was that outside chance that they could run into Van or her folks, so the day on the town got nixed.

Already Claire had called Pansie to come to the hotel to meet Aarien. She had no idea how to explain to her friend that Aarien was from another planet, let alone last night's unforgettable close encounter with the alien. On this morning, Aarien promised Claire another lovemaking session, this time using the Instant Ecstasy Blast. Claire hadn't a clue what that meant, but when it happened...

Aarien emerged from the bathroom wrapped in just a terry robe which she left untied. Claire, lolling on the king-sized bed, admired greatly what she saw. The extraterristial beauty certainly had a fantastic body – smooth pale ivory skin, large firm breasts, narrow waist, and gently swelling hips. Her legs were long and shapely, the bright blond hair still wet from the shower cascaded around her proud shoulders. This is no ordinary woman, Claire thought, and she can show me things I'd never dreamed of.

Smiling, Aarien said, "I've never seen such a grooming area like this. So elegant, but on Edev, the 'bathrooms' are much larger. The 'shower' – we call it a turbo bath – was quite refreshing."
Mindlessly flipping through a magazine, Claire said nothing as Aarien smiled and looked at her with smouldering eyes. There was no mistaking that look – Aarien wanted to make love. Claire was fully clothed in jeans and T-shirt, hardly the attire to arouse erotic desire. But if they would not need to disrobe, as Aarien explained, Claire wondered just what the "Instant Ecstasy Blast" was.

Without warning, Claire soon found out as Aarien outstretched her hands as if to receive energy from the crystal. And she did just that. Reaching out at Imyn's Crystal, Aarien closed her eyes, allowing the jewel's lavender light envelope her. Then, shifting her hands towards Claire, bursts of violet lightning shot from her fingertips. The bolts immediately wrapped around Claire, binding her tightly and holding her fast to the bed. Waves of light – a luminescent rope – enveloped Claire, sending pulses of electricity throughout her body. She felt a strange tingling sensation deep in her feminine depths, throbbing and pounding her wet vagina. It felt like a man's hardened member had entered her, but there was NO man, no penis, just a shaft of light traveling through her tight jeans and up her dripping vagina.

At once Claire convulsed in the "love lightning's" taut, electric grip. A surge of energy penetrated her entire being, causing Claire to squirm and thrash about on the bed in delirious amorous abandon. This was SO wonderful! Nothing can compare to the intense feelings wafting over her. Aarien continued to send blast after blast of energy as an expression of sheer delight spread across her lovely face.

Claire screamed and moaned in intense, profound orgasm...She couldn't stop coming. The more Claire writhed in the throes of sexual enjoyment, the tighter the lightning bolts wrapped around her body. No, she was struggling to free herself. Why should she? But, in the back of her mind, she wondered if this fantastic feeling would ever end. In a way, she did not want it to end.
Her body bucking and wriggling in electric bondage, Claire looked at Aarien with loving gratitute. No one had ever made her feel this good, not any of the countless boys she dated in school, and certainly not Van Allen. That homely slob never even made it to first base with Claire, claiming that he was "saving himself" for the wedding night. Ha! Claire thought with some bitterness that the wedding night, if she had gone through and married Van, would be a total disaster. Sexually speaking, of course. Van obviously hadn't the experience; he's far too uptight to let loose and allow himself to enjoy anything remotely pleasurable. The wedding night would've been one of those "wham bam" affairs. Van would get it up long enough to satisfy his husbandly duties, not caring whether Claire got any enjoyment. Then he'd roll off her and go to sleep. As long as Claire obliged him a couple of times a week, as long as two or three kids were produced from those pathetically meager couplings, Van would be happy.

Then again...What if Van, for all his fine upright, conservative family values, mother and apple pie platitudes...What if he has another woman on the side. One hears of that...He would saddle me with three kids while he goes off politicking or campaigning against God knows what "godless liberal" issue...Then he'd enjoy his mistresses without batting an eye...Van is a hypocrite of the worse kind...What if I find out something about him that would finally throw him and my folks off my back...

Thinking about Van, and relishing him getting a much needed retribution, Claire went into orgasm AGAIN, this time more intense than the last time. How many times did she come? She lost count but didn't care. Maybe this was the fifth or twelfth...

With abandon, a total surrender of all things rational, Claire wildly tossed and jerked about on the bed then fell to the soft carpeted floor. There, still in her luminescent prison, she flopped and squirmed uncontrollably, moaning and whimpering with enjoyment. Tears streamed down her face – a face flushed and glowing with sweat. Orgasms so intense she didn't know when it would all end, Claire finally looked up to Aarien, silently begging for release.
The Edevian, herself lost in her own pleasure, became alarmed that her newly acquired lover just might screw herself to death. Aarien, thinking the limits of Earth women's sexual stamina were not up to par with Edevian women, eased up on the blasts. Gradually, the bolts that bound Claire loosened, allowing their prisoner to relax; the sexual responses slowly ceased.

Finally, the "love lightning" dissipated, leaving Claire in a quivering, sweating, twitching heap on the floor. She throbbed all over, her vaginal muscles contracting and pulsating as if that phantom member was still buried deep within.
Panting and trembling, Claire tried to get up, but her body, weakened from electrically induced sexual stimulation, simply did not cooperate. Exhausted, Claire laid on the floor, still squirming and writhing in endless passion and satisfaction. Aarien, now relieved that her lover was going to be all right, knelt down and snuggled next to Claire. Her kisses and gentle caresses were welcomed by Claire's generous and grateful caresses. Aarien, voraciously kissing and tonguing Claire's open and ready mouth, her hands fondling Claire's sweat-soaked body, laughed. She said, "Darling Claire, there will be more...I promise."
The two lay on the floor, rolling and caressing with abandon. Claire entertained asking Aarien if it was possible to take her to Edev where she could live her life in peace and fulfillment. No way would Aarien fit in on this planet; besides, the Edevian commander might become a bit homesick. But first things first. Claire, finally getting teh strength to stand up, said, "I really should call Pansie. She'll be so delighted to meet you."
"Who is Pansie?," Aarien asked.
Claire replied as she prepared to hit the shower, "One of my best friends from school. She is lesbian, too. and I wanted her to be in my wedding, but...I told you how my folks nixed Pansie as my maid of honor."
Aarien could only nod and say, "I remember you telling me such. How awful for your parents to treat you so. On Edev, your father would be just another lackey, a servant, never one to tell a woman what to do or how to feel."

Claire wanted to laugh as she quickly doffed her perspiration-soaked jeans and shirt then put on the plush terry robe courtesy the hotel. She wondered just how her father would get along on a planet ruled by women, with him in a subservient role. Such a fate would not set too well with Howard Brown, a man whose worldview was so hopelessly 19th Century. Even in this day of women gaining so much politically, socially, and economically, Howard still clung to the old dictum that women should be submissive, passive creatures whose sole life purpose should be that of a wife and mother. A career is fine, as long as the woman did not aim too high, earn more than a man, or, heaven forbid, venture into areas previously reserved for men only.
Then there was Howard's views on race and the gay/lesbian issue. During her teens, Claire brought home Latoya Holiday, an ambitious African American girl who had just transferred from an all-black high school. The girls were lab partners in chemistry class and hit it off right away. At first, Latoya was wary of her new surroundings – she was after all, one of only three black students in the class. Although she wanted to make friends, it wasn't easy, not with the supposed suburban mindset. But her fears were put at ease once she and Claire found themselves struggling over formulas and equations.

Claire brought Latoya home so the pair could study together and, perhaps, meet the parents, but Howard was so cool towards Latoya, and Emily merely feigned gracious hospitality. In a way, Claire felt her folks' endless questions about Latoya's family (the girl was from an extended family – four generations of women in the same household) were patronizing and insulting. Howard wondered how Latoya's nearly all-female household could ever fit in with the – his words – "normal, mainstream crowd", namely white middle-class suburbia. OK, so Dad's admonitions about hanging out with "those people" rang false. Surely, Latoya did find herself pregnant right after graduation, forcing the girl to go on welfare and forego her first year of college. But Latoya got her priorities straight, and with the support of her loving family, finally earned her bachelor's then her J.D. in record time. However, Howard Brown, in his true form, condemned Claire's friendship with "That leech on the law-abiding, taxpaying citizen. She didn't earn her law degree the normal way – she did it via quotas and preferential treatment." Naturally, Claire tuned out such hateful diatribe and continued her friendship with Latoya.

And Pansie? Given her father's animosity towards the "homosexual lifestyle", Claire never dared to bring Pansie home, not after the girl came out during high school. Although the girls had known each other since kindergarten, Pansie's parents' politics were a bit too leftist for the Browns. Since Claire was a frequent guest in the Kramer home, she quickly imbibed the liberal politics and wider worldview abhorred by her parents. Of course, to stem what the Browns felt was a "deliberate corrupting of our daughter", they forcibly forbade Claire any more visits to Pansie's home. In answer to that, Claire rebelled by sneaking to see Pansie whenever she could. That was a secret her parents never found out.

This and more Claire told to Aarien, who didn't quite understand, or appreciate, how some Earth women could stand to be browbeaten by their men. Shrugging, Aarien called the mother ship, sending for Darelia. In turn, Claire, once she finished a quick shower and change of clothes, got on the phone to call Pansie. Imagine Claire's surprise, and outrage, when Pansie relayed what Jody told her.

How dare they – my parents and Van – send a detective to find me. Ooh! If I ever see them again, I'll tell them a thing or two.

"Pansie, don't talk to that guy. Yes, I'm sure Van hired him. OK, I guess it'll be safe...What? Aunt Jen? Sure! Call her and tell her to come on over...What?! A...'coming out' party?! OK, but first we must be very cautious...Huh? She knows something about...Oh my Goddess! If Aunt Jen can't get through to them, no one can."

TO BE CONTINUED...Go to Chapter 6

Copyright©2004 by Pepper Shriver*
*My pen name :-)

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