Claire Unchained

Chapter III

Emily was still in tears by the time Van finally arrived. Good thing Howard got home when he did, right after Claire's screamfest phone call. How dare this ungrateful brat – well, to Howard, Claire was becoming too big for her britches these days. When he arrived home, he found Emily still clutching the receiver, crying uncontrollably. When he asked what happened, Emily calmed down long enough to report, word for word, what Claire said.
"She screamed at me, Howard," she tearfully said. "She said that we were interfering with her life, and that she's had enough. Claire called off the wedding and she's breaking it off with Van."
Howard Brown, a plain-looking middle-aged man whose extremely conservative worldview won him few friends and now alienated his only child, silently seethed. How dare Claire assail her mother like that, call off the wedding without much thought behind that rash decision.
The first thing he did after Emily reported the latest was to telephone Van. Perhaps Van, with his gift for friendly but firm persuasion, could give Claire a sound lecture on moral and ethical behavior, perhaps get the girl to realize that her sudden decision was not in her best interest. Well, it was really his and Van's interest he thought of, not Claire's. After all, Claire is a mere child, nearly twenty-one, and she is still very impressionable. Marriage to the astute, sensible Van would guarantee a complete turnaround in Claire's personality. She would learn to be more docile, more deferential to her parents and future husband. It is the way it should be, not the way Claire wants it to be.

Howard could have kicked himself for not putting his foot down by refusing to allow Claire to attend the college of her choice. He was definitely aware of the more liberal state school she chose, totally the opposite of the ultra-conservative, private college he and Emily had in mind. But Claire was persuasive.
"This school has the best teaching preparation program, Daddy," was what she told them during her senior year in high school. Of course, with Claire choosing education as her future career, her parents couldn't refuse. However, after finishing half of her freshman year, when she announced that she changed her major to sociology, Howard and Emily were quite alarmed. How could Claire do this? After all the positive, family values we instilled in her, she decides to take up a course of study reputed for abject liberalism and left-wing radicalism. But they bided their time for Claire would find herself in over her head.

And that time came when, during her junior year, she took part in a student protest. OK, so she had to drop out of school at her parents' insistence. She soon learned that she could not act out on her own, not as long as her parents footed the bill. It pleased Howard and Emily that Claire took a job as classroom assistant, and accepted Van's marriage proposal. Maybe there was hope for Claire yet...

Yet there is no hope, thought an embittered Howard, not as long as she continues to hang around those people – the lesbians Pansie and Jody, that former welfare queen turned leftist lawyer Latoya, and the many, ungodly sorts Claire befriended in high school and college. Perhaps there is hope for her, but as long as she keeps company with unacceptable sorts...

Howard was jolted from his reverie as Emily Brown, now calmed enough to relay all to Van, said, "Van, I haven't the strength to call her back. I thought I should calm myself, and let her cool down before–"
She couldn't take it anymore. Once again, Emily Brown, a petite fiftyish lady with thick graying brown hair pulled back into a tight bun and lambent hazel eyes, silently wept.

"Howard," began Van Allen, a not so handsome man in his early thirties. His thinning prematurely gray hair, too pale complexion, and pudgy physique made him appear far older than his years. "Allow me to call Claire. I think I can reason with her."
He took the phone from Emily then dialed Claire's number. Waiting out the several rings, the answering machine kicked in.
"Hi, you've reached 555-1482. There is no one here to take your call..."

Van waited out the machine's recorded preamble then, after the beep, stated in a slightly annoyed tone, "Claire, this is Van. If you're home, pick up! I mean it! We really need to talk. I'm at your folks'."
After he hung up, he said, "Either she's not home or she's there, and refusing to pick up her calls. I'm heading over there to see what's what."
Howard, embracing his still sobbing wife, said, "Thanks, son. I think of all people who can talk sense into the girl, you're the one."
Van, just before exiting the front door, rubbing his hands together. A thin smile spread across his pallid face, saying, "Oh, I'll reason with her all right, in my own way."


In the open field, the spaceship's hatch opened, causing Claire to tremble with fearful anticipation. She had read many accounts of people who had close encounters with extraterrestrials, some even taken aboard the ships and examined.
Still rooted to her spot by her car, Claire noticed that the crystal she found earlier that day was going off like crazy. It, still suspended from the rearview mirror, pulsated bright lavender light and vibrated intensely. Those flashes and vibrations became stronger the moment the ship's hatch opened.
Now, thought Claire, maybe that crystal came from that ship, and the aliens want it back. Oh man, why did I take this shortcut?

Two figures emerged, causing Claire to jump a little. She jumped not from fear but amazement and surprise. These aliens don't look like the extraterrestrials so often depicted in science fiction stories and movies. These creatures are...HUMAN! And they're women! At first glance, even from her faraway distance, Claire was impressed with the women's beauty and youth.
They began walking towards the car, their forms and features becoming more visible in the ship's light.

Now the crystal glowed, bathing the entire area with a light that nearly resembled daylight; it was that intensive. With better light to see, Claire could now assess the alien women approaching her. She could see their incredible beauty.
One was tall, quite curvaceous, and had the most gorgeous platinum blonde hair. The other was slightly shorter, dark-haired, and possessed the same incredibly buxom curves. Both women were dressed in what Claire could only describe as "fetish wear" – skintight, shiny catsuits. The taller woman wore a tight catsuit of what Claire assumed was either black leather or latex. It fit her generous curves well. The black shiny high-heeled boots reached almost to the knee. There was a belt of sorts around her waist, obviously holding various hi-tech gadgets and a laser pistol. The other lady wore a shiny bright blue catsuit, probably spandex, Claire assumed. The same boots, the same tool belt but not as well appointed.

The women drew closer, the taller of the two moving her body quite sexily. Oh my, Claire thought, both are so gorgeous, but the blonde is especially sexy, desirable...
Now why did I think like that? I'm not gay, or am I?

Whatever thoughts went through Claire's mind, she paid them no mind as the women came closer. Now, in the brightening light of the crystal, each lady's face came into full view. The dark-haired beauty had deliciously glittering green eyes, while the blonde's eyes were of the most beautiful, sparkling blue Claire had ever seen.
Closer and closer they came while Claire, still rooted to her spot by her car, could do nothing but watch and wait. As the blonde approached Claire, the crystal sent forth beams of glowing lavender light.

Nodding, the woman said in a soothing breathy voice, "So, you are the one."
"The one?," asked a trembling Claire, "I don't know what you mean."
The blonde beauty indicated the crystal dangling from Claire's rearview mirror. She said, "I sent that ahead, as a guide so we'd know where to land."
She drew extremely close to Claire, stroked that lady's brown hair and gazed into her eyes. "My name is Aarien. And what is yours?"
"C-Claire...Claire Brown."
"Pleased to meet you, Claire Brown."

All Claire could do was nod and make some of curtsey, something she learned to do from her parents long ago. It was to show respect and humility. Oh man!, she thought, why did I do that dumb curtsey? For as long as I can remember, Mom and Dad made me do that every blessed time we had company...I hate it.

Aarien then placed her hands on Claire's shoulders, feeling the soft fabric of Claire's white blouse. She then stroked Claire's face, fingered the girl's soft full lips. Then, without warning, took Claire into her arms and kissed her full on the mouth.
It was a long, passionate, lingering kiss that took Claire's breath away. She felt Aarien's tongue enter her parted lips, teasingly caressing the inside of her mouth. Claire's knees began to weaken, the body grew limp in the alien's passionate embrace. Aarien, in the throes on her own passion, bent Claire back onto the hood of the car, her legs entwining the Earth woman.
Still kissing Claire deeply, Aarien slowly thrust and gyrated her pelvis against Claire's, causing Claire to respond in kind. Claire, not knowing what to think, and feeling the unexpected moistness down in her feminine regions, found herself responding to Aarien's caresses and relentless bumping and grinding of the alien's body. It felt so good that Claire responded by matching Aarien's moves, rocking her body in a steady rhythm.

Is this the reason she so desperately wanted out from under her parents' thumb? Is this why she wasn't so gung-ho over marrying a man she didn't love? And could it be that, by virtue of her friendship with Pansie, she is, in fact, gay?
Has to be...I'm lesbian...No wonder I didn't cotton to Van. No wonder I so readily embraced all those issues Mom and Dad warned me against. I'm gay...I'm gay! Why else would I respond so to this alien's – Aarien's – touch. She does know how to please, in a way that Van never could, or wouldn't.

All at once, with Aarien still grinding hard against her willing body, Claire felt the spiraling buildup of her own climax. She trembled with enjoyment then went wild under Aarien. The alien continued to tease and please Claire, tonguing the girl's mouth, neck and cleavage. Her hands were EVERYWHERE, stroking and teasing. An odd light emanated from Aarien's body, sending Claire into endless squirming, screaming fits of sexual satisfaction. Her legs clamped tightly around Aarien's leather-clad body, her pelvis slammed up to meet that of the alien's.
In the corner of her eye, Claire could see the crystal dance and hum merrily, shooting off beams of intense lavender light. The more intense Aarien and Claire's coupling became, the more that crystal vibrated and glistened.
So, thought Claire, that crystal I found belongs to her, and it must give off some kind of 'love beams', because she said 'You're the one'...I must be the 'one'...

At last, both women, their passion rising the bursting point, slithered and wriggled all over the hood of the car, emitting purrs and moans of enjoyment.
When it was over, Aarien released Claire who had a difficult time bringing herself upright – the sex was that good. No better than was fantastic, exhilarating, almost life transforming. With panting breath, Aarien finally said, "Oh, where are my manners?"
She waved to her captain, saying, "This is Captain Darelia. She always accompanies me on my most important missions."
Claire, dumbfounded that Aarien's captain witnessed the recent coupling, soon drew herself upright, straightened her clothes, then said, "Pleased to meet you, Captain."
Darelia, in awe of the lovely Claire, came up to the girl, shook her hand, saying, "Claire...I'm so happy that my commander has at last found love. She was so lonely and depressed after losing her longtime companion...And do call me Darelia."
"OK," said Claire with a smile. So, these alien women are lesbians! I wonder if their planet is...Hey! I forgot to ask...
"Oh," explained a mind-reading Aarien, drawing closer to Claire, her arm flung possessively and protectively around her newfound lover, "we are from the planet Edev. Millions of miles from your Earth. We were on a mission to seek out new energy sources, but our ship was blown off-course."
"And," added Darelia, "we ended up in your solar system, passing so many planets that could not support life as we know it..."
"Earth," said Claire, "is the only one supportive of life."
Darelia smiled, saying, "So we gathered."

Aarien, now fully gratified, ordered her captain with, "Return to the mother ship, Darelia. I will stay with Claire until I send for you."
The captain wanted to protest but resisted. In a way, she felt nothing but happiness for her commander. For the first time in so many months, Aarien was indeed happier, cheerier. The depression and mourning over a lost love vanished the moment Aarien laid eyes on Claire, and Darelia could tell that her commander would be safe with this young woman.

Claire, half laughing, said, "Aren't you gonna ask me, 'Take me to your leader' or something like that?"
Aarien, herself laughing uproariously – a throaty sexy laughter that seemed to set Claire on fire – drew Claire's body closer to hers. She rubbed and wriggled that spectacularly curvaceous leather-clad body against Claire's, saying in a cooing sexually charged voice, "Just take me wherever you're going."


Van Allen let himself into Claire's apartment, finding no one at home. Upon first glance, everything was in its place, but Van wanted to search the apartment, suspecting Claire may have taken off.
He searched the bedroom, discovering several items of clothing missing, her suitcase and tote bag gone. He went to the bathroom, and sure enough, the toothbrush along with various other toiletries not in their usual places. Sighing with frustration and fury, he called Claire's folks.
When Howard picked up on the other end, Van said, "She's not here, Howard. Her suitcase is gone, so are some clothes. No, I don't know where she's gone. Huh? OK, I can check into that. If she withdrew funds from her accounts or used her credit cards, I can follow the paper trail...Yes, I can do that from my end as I have the connections. Oh...You think she's with...HER?! Then all I can say is to pay a visit to that woman, make her talk anyway you can. If she knows where Claire is...Yes, I know...That Pansie gal has some connections herself...She won't back down once she learns I have a few things on her...Yeah, if she won't cooperate, she'll wish she had..."

To Be Continued...Go to chapter 4

Copyright©2004 by Pepper Shriver*
*My pen name :-)

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