Flames of Eldonia

Chapter 4

   Who was Prince Asen, really? The people only knew him as a young man given to artistic pleasures – music, poetry, painting – hardly pursuits that would enable him to take over the Eldonian throne. Yet he was popular among his subjects. A handsome man in his late twenties, Asen was blessed with dark good looks. Tall and lean, generous black hair, dark gray eyes that twinkled merrily, a winning smile, finely chiselled features, Asen was by no means conceited or self-absorbed. Totally the opposite of his father (although he took pains not to show his true nature in Vlaric's presence), Asen had his own dreams for his country. He hated the heavy hand his father took in matters of the state: the tortures, public executions, the senseless persecutions of the Benutians, and the dark alliance with Koror. Asen had his own opinions about the Kororians, believing those people had their own agenda and that the Kororian governor Sadius was just using his so-called friendship with Vlaric.
   To Asen, the Benutians held a peculiar fascination. An insatiable learner, Asen plunged himself in Eldonian history, eschewing the usual official tomes approved by the state in favor of getting out among the people themselves. He traveled the entire country, each and every province, imbibing local culture and gaining a perspective not available in his pampered royal environs. During his sojourns to Benut, he befriended Governor Chenek who introduced him to Sivin and Khalina. From them Asen learned how their eldest daughters had to flee Benut and seek asylum in Nemir. It was said the girls could no longer remain where they were continuously persecuted. The truth was, and Asen only learned of this days before the Landing festivities, Mag and Lysa had somehow gotten a lead on Aunya, another Benutian woman forced to flee her homeland. Aunya, as Asen learned from Governor Banes, was wanted for crimes against the state. What kind of crimes? Bearing the child prophets said would some day crush Eldonian rule and oppression. This was related to Asen by Chenek who painfully and tearfully revealed King Vlaric's violent genocidal campaign against every first-born Benutian child. That was nearly thirty years ago, when Asen was not out of diapers.

   "I had no idea my father issued such a heinous order!," Asen said, enraged that his father would dare order hundreds of babies burned and stabbed to death out of fear one of the children could eventually challenge the Eldonian throne. Even if the prophecy was not true – and Asen came to believe it – there had to be some way to end Vlaric's cruel reign and return equality and honor that once was Benut's hallmark. Asen had hoped, once he ascended to the throne, to end the generations-old tradition of absolute rule. He believed the annexation of Benut was wrong from the beginning, and the resultant persecutions of the people and incessant pillage of Benutian resources (without compensation) brought to an end. Justice with mercy, equal rights in the eyes of law, and the rights of the people to voice grievances were values Asen held dear, but he could not bring himself to discuss such with his father.
   Now that the Eldonian king literally forced his son to marry Princess Jolende, any dreams Asen had for his country would be dashed. It was obvious Vlaric leaned heavily on Governor Banes of Chalou, and he nursed a close, personal friendship with Governor Sadius of Koror. Asen was aware of his father's desire to crush forever any inkling of Benutian rebellion, therefore His Majesty insisted Asen marry Jolende, thus making it easier for Koror to overrun Benut. Asen was also suspicious of Sadius, a man given to cruel intent. Asen saw through the man, someone who had his own dark agendas. Many a night, Sadius and Vlaric would be in secret conference, discussing plans for an ultimate weapon. Asen never saw these plans, but he suspected Jolende had a hand in the development of such a device of mass destruction. If a weapon as this existed, or at least near completion, all hope for a peaceful co-existence with Benut was lost.
   In light of learning the true history of Eldonia, and of Vlaric's evil deed, Asen actually came to hate his father, but not to the extreme that he wanted harm to come to the man. Instead, Asen could only pray that somehow, some way, Vlaric would be forced to face the awful crimes committed against the people. Perhaps there was some truth to the old Benutian prophecy; that much Asen had hoped. But where, if such a noble and brave descendant did indeed exist, would that leave him? If Benut was successful in revolting against its oppressors, put an end to centuries of tyrannical rule, would the victors have a place for Crown Prince Asen, son of Vlaric?
   How comforting when Sivin and Khalina once told Asen that they could see no trace of Vlaric in him, that he embodied all that was good and honorable, traits inherited from his beloved mother, Queen Daglin. Unfortunately, Daglin met an untimely end years ago, when Asen was a mere teenager. Ingested contaminated fruits, or so the story went. The Benutians, especially Governor Chenek, intimated that Daglin may have met with foul play, that is her own husband had his wife murdered. Why? The reasoning was Vlaric didn't want Daglin to "poison" any further the boy's mind, get the child so flustered and muddled that he would be unfit to succeed to the throne.
   At first, Asen didn't want to believe his father would actually have his mother murdered. However, the heir to the Eldonian throne had all confirmed by Mitra, the Guardian of Cape Amorra. Mitra was a sea creature – half lovely woman, the other half many-tentacled serpent – who guarded the area held sacred by Benutians. She was beloved and revered by both Benutians and Nemirians but feared by the rest of Eldonia.
   Mitra came to Asen during the latter's many sojourns to Benut. It was the year he turned twenty-five, when Vlaric began to push relentlessly Asen and Jolende together. The beautiful sea creature told Asen the truth about what happened to Queen Daglin, although absolute "proof" never surfaced. Nevertheless, Mitra, who had a knack for knowing all of Eldonia's secrets, warned Asen that Vlaric would stop at nothing to further his iron grip over the land.
   She also warned the prince to, "Beware of those who profess loyalty. They may wear the mask of allegiance yet their hearts are black. One day, Your Highness, you will come to know your true love, and I will help you."
   She handed him a tiny cockle shell filled with a pink-hued powder. "Use this when the time comes. Do not worry, for you will know. Only then shall I help you escape your father's cruelty."
   Incredible that it took nearly three years after that encounter with Mitra before Asen finally faced the truth and decided to make his move. He waited until the time was right, and what he was about to do would totally change his life – and the lives of everyone in Eldonia.


    He stood in the square, next to his best friend. At least he had one Eldonian noble on his side. Asen and Lord Cadmore had been friends since childhood, the latter being the more carefree and rambunctious. Asen needed a friend as Jereif Cadmore – Jerry as Asen always called him. Despite the differences in personality, Jerry and Asen shared the same interests: the arts, scholarly pursuit, the thirst for the truth, and not settle for what passed as education in Eldonia. Every lesson they imbibed from early childhood on was based on lies and wild exaggerations. Obviously, what the boys learned was not enough for ones so curious by nature. This Jereif told Asen which spurred both men to embark on an unofficial tour of their country, and from their experiences they learned the truth behind King Vlaric's cruel reign and His Majesty's dark designs on the Benutians. Both men meet and eventually became close friends with Sivin and Khalina, and they loved Tanina if not for her beauty and vivaciousness alone.
    Everything about the Benutians fascinated these men who, by law and expectations of their elders, should never entertain establishing friendships with "undesirables." Nevertheless, Asen and Jereif enjoyed watching Tanina's terpsichorean feats.

   On this gala day, when Prince Asen was supposed to be locked away in his chambers, preparing for the Day of the Landing festivities. He was also to greet his betrothed, accompany her in the royal procession, and sit next to her in the royal box during the day's entertainment. How he hated the sight of Princess Jolende. Not that he didn't find her attractive, physically, but there was something on the inside that gave Asen pause. He had a rare gift for reading people, detecting any falsehoods or unsavoriness in the character. For what it was worth, Asen found much deception and dishonor in nearly everyone in his sheltered life as Crown Prince. From his father the King to the Royal steward Aughir, from Globbock, Vlaric's oily spy to even several domestic servants including Asen's own manservant Gorm, the prince wished they would merely go away and leave him alone. That included Jolende and all her Kororian entourage.

   Prince Asen didn't love Jolende, never will. Although he could have had his pick of any eligible Eldonian young lady, and there was one who Asen loved for a brief time before his father put a stop to the short-lived romance, Asen resigned himself perhaps never to marry. This, of course, he never voiced to his father, not after Vlaric's violent reaction to Asen's ill-fated romance with Oriel, a handsome, sensitive lady who was the eldest daughter of one of Eldonia's imminent nobles.
   However, that man was on Vlaric's "not acceptable" list, that is, His Majesty deemed this noble as an enemy of the state. What was His Majesty's reasoning? This noble, the Earl of Créo, vehemently opposed Vlaric's brutal campaign to eradicate all first-born Benutian babies. Such cruelty is extreme even for Vlaric and borders on insanity. The people would surely revolt and for good reason. Naturally, Vlaric deemed all persons who merely voiced opposition and dissent as undesirables, thus Vlaric ordered Lord Créo arrested and executed for treason. His lordship's family, including Oriel, was forced to flee to faraway Nemir to avoid further persecution.
   When Vlaric heard of his son's romance with Oriel Créo, he went ballistic, vowing that he would even sentence his own son to death for daring to fall in love with the daughter of an enemy. This is never done, Vlaric railed at Asen, saying that his son must marry a woman worthy of Queen Consort.
   Asen never saw Oriel again and wondered if she was still alive. He didn't even have a chance to say goodbye, and the whole sordid mess made him hate his father all the more. He still had that shell wherein contained that pink powder of unknown power. Perhaps that is what Mitra said, that Asen would have to take his fate into his own hands and not allow Vlaric to run his life anymore. If Asen wanted his country to rise above past brutalities, become once again a land of peace, honor, and prosperity, he would have to face down his father, even if it meant violent overthrow. This Asen, in part, hoped things wouldn't get so bad as to employ violence, but he wanted to redeem and liberate Eldonia any means necessary. How odd that his life was about to take an extremely dramatic turn, and his salvation was standing before his eyes.


   "She's rather pretty, all warm autumn colors. Very talented although I don't think the Benutian girls dance quite like that."
   In the street outside the tavern, Lord Cadmore stood close to his friend, enjoying the pair of Benutian beauties who danced so lovely. One, Tanina, tapped her tambourine while the other tinkled little bells suspended from her fingers. Both ladies moved and stepped to lively music, their bodies bending as gracefully as willows in a gentle breeze. Not overtly sexual were the movements, but a subtle suggestion of physical enjoyment, a tantalizing taste of the Benutian reverence for the feminine. A gentle shoulder shimmy here, a slight pelvic roll there, hands expressively evoking a centuries-old story of Amarah, the Benutian goddess-queen.
   While many a passerby harumphed at the girls' performance as indecent, several more tossed golden Eldonian aurae at the girls's feet. Applause erupted when the ladies concluded their dance, and Jereif Cadmore was more than anxious to meet Tanina's companion. Asen, still concealed within his over-sized cloak and hat, knew he couldn't linger here much longer. Surely his father had missed him and would send out the Royal Guard to fetch him. Worse yet, Vlaric might have his spies, especially the obnoxious Globbock, stationed all around the city. If Vlaric ever learned Asen's stolen moments were spent watching Benutian dancing girls...

   "Jerry," Asen hissed, his apprehension growing, "Although I am enjoying my freedom immensely, I cannot stay here much longer. I must return to the palace at once, or else Father will send his men to fetch me. I can fathom what he'll say or do if it is discovered I sneaked out, especially since I am to escort Jolende to the Landing..."
   "Say no more," said Jereif understandingly, "Here, I'll go back with you, but first I want to meet Tanina's friend. Don't worry, I'll tell Vlaric you and I wanted to inspect the parade route. You know, see if all was safe and such."

   Asen nodded then walked very close to Lord Cadmore who made his way to the girls. Madly did the prince's heart race as he neared Tanina and her friend. No, it was not Tanina who touched something deep within; he knew her from long ago and regarded the Benutian beauty as a sister if anything. Rather, it was the other lady's commanding presence, amazingly breathtaking beauty, and mysterious air that piqued his curiosity. Why hadn't he, during his many sojourns to Benut, met this woman before? She is certainly lovely with her abundant dark auburn hair, lithely graceful figure, and proud carriage. There was that air of mystery, to be sure, and Asen, in his present circumstances, had a profound premonition. He couldn't quite figure it out, but when he espied Khalina in the crowd, and noted what she carried, it all fell into place. At once he noticed the doll and its colorful dress, a garment fashioned from the finest Benutian cloth. He had seen such fabric before and met the dollmaker who made these pretties. How long had it been since the doll disappeared? Nearly thirty years...How did it come into Khalina's possession?

   "Lord Cadmore," said Tanina, "may I present Danielle. She is new to our country, washed upon our shores just days ago." She nodded to her mother who in turn indicated the doll. In an instance, Jereif Cadmore, recalling old Benutian folklore, jolted to attention. He nudged his friend who had been lost in deep thought. He hissed in Asen's ear, "It's her, Asen!"

   Prince Asen, now fully aware that his next step could seal the fate of many, even that of his entire country, removed his hat. The crowd's immediate gasps and reverent kneeling did not faze His Highness as such response was expected. However, the lady called Danielle did not kneel at once, and Asen did not chastise the girl. Instead he smiled at the lady then introduce himself.
   "Danielle, I am Prince Asen, heir to the Eldonian throne. I must say your style of dancing may not be wholly Benutian, but I found it refreshingly different."
   Dani returned the smile, replying, "Your Highness, thank you for the compliments. It's just my own style. I don't dance for a living..." She allowed her voice to trail off as she studied the prince's finely wrought features and grand manners. Smiling more broadly, she added, "And please call me Dani. I only use Danielle in my professional life."
   "Professional?" Asen raised an eyebrow at the mention, and he was about to probe even deeper Dani's presence. So many questions! How did she come to Eldonia? From where? What did she mean by "professional"? No woman in this country ever has a career, at least not something that mattered such as law or academics. And the doll...

   But his questions would have to wait as Cadmore spotted two of King Vlaric's guards approaching. Tugging at his friend's sleeve, Jereif Cadmore said, "Your Highness, I believe it is time to return to the palace. Your father has probably worried much in your absence, and you are to take your place..."
   His eyes still on Danielle, Asen said quickly, "Come to the Palace Plaza, Dani. From there you will be able to see all the procession..."

   The guards drew closer; Cadmore literally pulled Asen along. "We must truly leave," he said, eye-balling the scowling pair, "or else His Majesty will be quite angry..."
   Prince Asen still had that shell, and now he had the ultimate trump card. For the future of Eldonia, all he needed was the right opportunity...It was nearer than he thought.

[TO BE CONTINUED...Go to Chapter 5]

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